Medicinski fakultet

Biografija - Čejović Vesna+

Biografija - Čejović Vesna+

Dr. Vesna Orlandic Cejovic

Rodjena sam 25.02.1962.godine.

Osnovnu skolu sam zavrsila u Titogradu, a srednju u Moskvi uz nostrifikaciju diplome Pete Beogradske Gimnazije.

Medicinski fakultet sam upisala 1979.godine u Moskvi, na Prvom Medicinskom Fakultetu (danas Medicinska Akademija).

Studije sam zavrsila na Medicinskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu 1986. godine sa srednjom ocenom 8,45 ( osam cetrdeset pet ).
Nakon polozenog strucnog ispita u Beogradu 1987. godine zaposlena sam u Domu zdravlja Medicinskog zavoda Titograd od 1988.godine.
1992. godine sam dobila specijalizaciju iz Anesteziologije sa reanimatologijom,a zavrsila je 1997. na Medicinskom fakultetu u Beogradu.

Od tada sam stalno zaposlena na Kiinici za anesteziju, reanimaciju i terapiju bola Klinickog Centra Crne Gore.

Uzu specijalizaciju iz Intenzivne medicine sam zavrsila 2014.godine na Medicinskom fakultetu Sveucilista u Zagrebu. Ukazom medicinskog fakulteta u Podgorici obavijam funkciju mentors na specijalistickim studijama iz Anesteziologije sa reanimatologijom .Takodje sam strucni saradnik na Medicinskom fakultetu u Podgorici na studijskim programu Medicine na predmetima Hirurgija i Prva pomoc.

U periodu od 2013. do 2015. godine obavijala sam funkciju nacelnice Odeljenja Centralne intenzivne terapije.

Govorim ruski i engleski jezik.


Od 1988. do 1990. godine- Dom zdravlja Medicinskog zavoda Titograd 

Od 1990. do 1992. godine — Hitna pomoc Medicinskog zavoda Titograd

Od 1992. do 2002. godine - Klinika za anesteziju,reanimaciju i terapiju bola KCCG

Od 2002. do 2003. godine - Kardiocentar KCCG

Od 2003. godine do danas — Klinika za anesteziju,reanimaciju i terapiju bola KCCG.


Od 1992. do 1997. godine — specijalisticke studije iz Anesteziologije sa reanimatologijom.

Od 2001. do 2002. godine — sest meseci edukacije iz kardioanestezije na Institutu za kardiovaskularne bolesti Dedinje u Beogradu


-Tokom 2002. godine — dva meseca edukacije iz kardioanestezije u Regionalnoj bolnici u Teramu,Italija

-Boravak na Klinici za Anesteziju i Intenzivnu terapiju Univerzitetskog Medicinskog Centra u Ljubljani u trajanju od sedam dana

- 2003. godine — u okviru kontinuirane edukacije u anesteziji, u organizaciji Drustva anesteziologa Srbije simpozijum na temu "Totalna intravenska anestezija"

-2004. godine — skola Mehanicke ventilacije pluca sa prakticnom obukom u organizaciji Drustva anesteziologa Srbije

-0d 2012. Do 2014. Godine - uza specijalizacija iz Intenzivne terapije na Medicinskom fakultetu Sveucilista u Zagrebu

-2014. godine — edukativni seminar na temu " Antibiotici-doktrina i navike" u organizaciji Ministarstva zdravlja Crne Gore


-Evropsko-Americkoj Anestezioloskoj Konferenciji , maj 3-5. 2007. Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

-Kongresu ESPEN, 13-16. Septembra 2008. Firenca, Italija

-Trecem Albanskom Simpozijumu za Disajni put 2009. Tirana,Albanija

-Evropskom Simpozijumu "Optimana upotreba faktora koagulacije i imunoglobulina" 26-27. april 2013. Wildbad Kreuth, Nemacka

-Trecem Godisnjem Susretu Udruzenja Kardiovaskularnih hirurga Makedonije sa temom "Akutna bubrezna insuficijencija na Odeljenju intenzivne terapije" 2014. Skoplje, Makedonija



-Panfacial injuries due to wild animal bites, Mirko Popovic, Vesna Cejovic, Zoran Damnjanovic, Slobodanka Vukelic-Markovic, 25th Congress of Serbian Association of Maxillofacial Surgeons 27-30 oktobar,Sava Centar, Beograd, Srbija

-Parathyroid carcinoma discovered in young trauma victim during intensive care management,case report, Ljubica Pejakov,Vesna Cejovic, Aleksandar Filipovic, SIGNA VITAE 2011;6(1): X-X

-FES (Fat embolism syndrome )-Prikaz slucaja Zorica Ljumovic,Vesna Cejovic,XIII Kongres Drustva Lekara Crne Gore 2009.Medicinski zapisi

-Upotreba hemodinamskog monitoring kod politraumatizovanog pacijenta-Prikaz slucaja, Vesna Kandic,Ljubica Pejakov,Vesna Cejovic XIII Kongres Drustva Lekara Crne Gore 2009.Medicinski zapisi

-Anestezija u grdudnoj hirurgiji na Klinici za anesteziju,intenzivnu terapiju i terapiju bola KCCG, Goran Marijanovic,Zorica Ljumovic,Vesna Cejovic,XIII Kongres Drustva Lekara Crne Gore 2009.Medicinski zapisi

-Alergijske reakcije u opstoj anesteziji-Prikaz slucaja Vesna Cejovic,Maja Stankovic,XIII Kongres Drustva Lekara Crne Gore 2009.Medicinski zapisi -Vodic za pripremu i primenu zamrznute sveze plazme, Ministarstvo zdravlja CG i WHO, Grupa autora

-Vodic za pripremu,primenu i obezbedjenje kvaliteta preparata eritrocita,Ministarstvo zdravlja CG i WHO,Grupa autora


-Na temu "Sepsa,najcesci uzrocnik mortaliteta u jedinicama intenzivnog lecenja "- u okviru kontinuirane medicinske edukacije u organizaciji Ministarstva zdravlja CG.


-Rukovodilac sa crnogorske strane bilateralnog projekta "Faktori rizika za nastanak interakcija izmedju lekova u tercijalnim zdravstvenim ustanovama ".U prilogu je odluka Ministarstva nauke.

dr Vesna Orlandic Cejovic anesteziolog,reanimatolog,intenzivista Klinika za anesteziju,reanimaciju i terapiju bola KCCG

Ljubljanska bb. Podgorica 069-304-664  Email:



Dr. Vesna OrlandiC cEJOVIC
Anaesthesiologist, ReanimatoLogist, Intensive Care Medicine

I was born 25.02.1962. I went to Elementary School in Titograd, and graduated from High School in Moscow with diploma nostrification from the Fifth High School Belgrade. I started Faculty of Medicine in Moscow (today Medical Academy). I graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Belgrade in 1986 with average grade 8,45 (eight and forty five).
After successfully passing the Professional Examination in Belgrade in 1987, I started work as a General Practitioner (GP) at the Community Health Centre (Dom zdravlja) Titograd until 1988.

I started specialist training in anaesthesiology with reanimatology which I concluded in 1997 at the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade. Since then I'm permanently employed at the Clinic for Anaesthesiology, Reanimatology and Pain Therapy at the KCCG (The Central Clinic of Montenegro).

In 2014 I completed subspecialisation in intensive medicine at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Zagreb. I'm appointed by the Faculty of Medicine in Podgorica as a mentor for anaesthesiology with reanimtology. I'm also specialist associate advisor at the Faculty of Medicine in Podgorica on the Medical curriculum programme for subjects in Surgery and First Aid.

Between 2013 to 2015 I held a position of the Chief Manager at the Department for Central Intensive Therapy.

I speak Russian and English language.


1988 - 1990 Community Health Centre (Dom zdravlja), Medicinski zavod Titograd

1990 — 1992 Emergency Department (ER), Medicinski zavod Titograd

1992 — 2002 Clinic for Anaesthesiology, Reanimatology and Pain Therapy, KCCG (The Central Clinic of Montenegro)

2002 — 2003 Cardio Centre, KCCG (The Central Clinic of Montenegro)

2003 — present Clinic for Anaesthesiology, Reanimatology and Pain Therapy, KCCG (The Clinical Centre of Montenegro)


1992 — 1997 Specialised studies in Anaesthesiology with reanimatology.

2001 — 2002 6 months specialist training in cardio-anaesthesiology at the Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases, Dedinje, Belgrade, Serbia.

2002 -2 months specialist training in cardio-anaesthesiology at the Regional Hospital in Teramo, Italy.

7 day specialist training in cardio-anaesthesiology at the Clinic for Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy at the University Medical Centre in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

2003 As part of continual professional development in Anaesthesiology attended symposium "Total Intravenous Anaesthesia" organised by the Serbian Association of Anaesthesiologists.

2004 School for Mechanical Lung Ventilation with practical training organised by the Serbian Association of Anaesthesiologists.

2012 — 2014 Sub specialisation in intensive therapy at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Zagreb, Croatia.

2014 Seminar " Antibiotics — doctrine and habit" organised by the Ministry of Health of Montenegro.

• European-American Anaesthesiology Conference, 3-5 May 2007, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

• ESPEN Congress, 13-16 September 2008, Florence , Italy.

• The Third Albanian Symposium for Respiratory Pathways, 2009,Tirana, Albania.
• European Symposium "Optimal use of koagular and immunoglobin factors", Wildbad Kreuth, Germany.
• The Third Annual Meeting of Macedonian Association of Cardiovascular Surgeons "Acute Kidney's Insufficiency at the Intensive Therapy Department", 2014, Skoplje, Macedonia.


• Panfacial injuried due to wild animal bites, Mirko Popovia, Vesna CejoviC, Zoran DamnjanoviC, Slobodanka Vucelic-Markovic — 25th Congress of Serbian Association of Maxillofacial Surgeons, 27-30 October XXXX, Sava Cenar, Belgrade, Serbia.
• Parathyroid carcinoma discovered in young trauma vistim during intensive care management, case report — Ljubica Pejakov, Vesna Cejovic, Aleksandar Filipovic, SIGNA VITAE 2011:6(1):X-X

• FES (Fat embolism syndrome) Study Case — Zorica Ljumovic, Vesna Cejovic, XIII Congress of Montenegrin Association of Medical Doctors, 2009. Medical notes.

• Use of Hemodynamic Monitoring with Polytraumatised Patients — Case Study, Vesna Kandic, Ljubica Pejakov, Vesna Cejovic, XIII Congress of Montenegrin Association of Medical Doctors, 2009. Medical notes.

• Anaesthesia in Chest Surgery at the Clinic for anaesthesiology, Intensive Therapy and Pain Therapy KCCG, Goran Marijanovic, Zorica LJumovic, Vesna Cejovic, XIII Congress of Montenegrin Association of Medical Doctors, 2009. Medical notes.
• Allergenic Reaction in General Anaesthesia — Case Study, Vesna 6ejovia, Maja Stankovio, XIII Congress of Montenegrin Association of Medical Doctors, 2009. Medical notes.

• The Guide for Preparation and Use of Frozen Fresh Plasma, Ministry of Health of Montenegro and WHO, team of authors.

• The Guide for Preparation, Use and Securing Quality Preparation of Erythrocyte, Ministry of Health of Montenegro and WHO, team of authors.


• On the topic of "Sepsis, Greatest Cause of Mortality at the Intensive Care Units"


• Montenegrin Project Leader for bilateral project "Risk Factors for Interaction Between Medications in Tertiary Medical Institutions". Please see attachment from the Ministry of Science.

Dr. Vesna Orlandia Cejovic - Anaesthesiologist, Reanimatologist, Intensive Care Medicine
Clinic for Anaestesiology, Reanimatology and Pain Therapy, KCCG (The Clinical Centre of Montenegro)
Ljubljanska bb. Podgorica, Montenegro Mobile: +382 (0)69 304 664 Email:

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