ECTS catalogue
Learning outcomes:

After passing this exam, students will be able to: 1. Provide the definition of Semantics and its objectives; 2. Understand the features traditional semantics and semantics to describe the process of creating such special scientific discipline; 3. Highlight the basic features of structural semantics (componential analysis), generative and cognitive semantics (conceptual theories and prototypes) 4. Analyze the kinds of meanings and lesičkosemantičke categories (polysemy, synonymy, homonymy, paronymy, antonymy, meronymy, onomatopoeic, taboos, idioms-phraseologisms) 5 Compare the different types of meaning at the level of sentences (a paraphrase, tautology, contradiction, ambiguity) 6. Explain and identify the meaning of sentences in the context of semantic restrictions and anomalies, and the relation of Semantics and Pragmatics

Teaching staff

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