Semestar: 6
Status: Obavezan
Fond: 2+4+0
Duplikat: Ne
ECTS katalog

Ishodi učenja:

After completing this course: 1.Students can critically analyze and comprehend complex written and spoken materials within their specific professional context, demonstrating advanced reading and listening skills. 2. Students will be able to craft and deliver articulate, persuasive, and professionally formatted written and spoken communication, including emails, reports, presentations, and meetings tailored to their targeted professions demands. 3. Students will be equipped with the cultural awareness and cross-cultural communication skills necessary to navigate diverse professional environments with sensitivity and respect, fostering effective communication across cultural boundaries.** 4. Students will be proficient in applying advanced grammar structures and precise vocabulary relevant to their specific professional field, showcasing a high level of language accuracy in written and spoken communication. 5. Students can integrate language skills seamlessly in practical, real-life professional scenarios, demonstrating critical thinking, independent research, and effective collaboration in addressing challenges within their professional context.

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Ime Predavanja Vježbe Laboratorija