Obavještenje o konkursu za mobilnost studenata na Univerzitet u Mariboru (Slovenija)

Po osnovu institucionalnog sporazuma za kreditnu mobilnost sklopljenog u okviru Erasmus + programa, Univerzitet Crne Gore raspisuje konkurs za razmjenu u zimskom semestru akademske 2023/24.

Za mobilnost se mogu prijavljivati studenti osnovnih i master studija, a konkursom su predviđene 2 finansirane mobilnosti u trajanju od 5 mjeseci.

Za prijavu na osnovnim i magistarskim studijama  potrebno je podnijeti sljedeća dokumenta u formi traženoj od strane Univerziteta u Mariboru:

  1. CV Attachment 4_CV_template
  2. Aplikaciona forma (Application form with Learning Agreement - please note that it is obligatory to use our own documents from the following web page: https://studentexchange.um.si/ (type mobility: CREDIT MOBILITY!). The document has to be confirmed by the student and the Erasmus+ coordinator or responsible person at the department or faculty and the Erasmus institutional coordinator or responsible person of the sending institution.)
  3. Potvrda o studiranju
  4. Motivaciono pismo (max. 1 strana A4)
  5. Prepis ocjena (Transcript of Records)
  6. Kopija pasoša
  7. Potvrda o znanju engleskog jezika 1_Certificate English (Confirmation of English language knowledge on the level of B1 at least in line with CEFR (http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/linguistic/cadre1_en.asp ). Knowledge of English language is proven by a verified confirmation (Attachment 1) by the English teacher at the home department or by presentation of a TOEFL result 42 (IBT) or more, IELTS 4.0 or more, or by another equivalent certificate.)
  8. Izjava o mobilnosti Attachment 2_Declaration of student mobility
  9. Attachment 3_Declaration of country of residence, country of birth and citizenship 

  10. 5_Claim for Establishing EMSO

  11. 6_GDPR

  12. Plan mobilnosti 7_Mobilty Activity Plan

Ukoliko je je kandidat student sa invaliditetom, dostaviti potvrdu ili naglasiti prodekanu

Sva dokumenta potrebna za prijavu mogu se naći na linku: https://www.erasmusplus.um.si/international-students/application/application-for-partner-countries/ takođe, sva uputstva pročitati detaljno!)U fazi prijave nije potrebno dostavljati ovjeren prevod od strane sudskog tumača.


Rok za dostavljanje prijava fakultetima je 25. maj 2023.

Više informacija o konkursu možete da pronađete na sledećem linku.



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