The Faculty of Science and Mathematics with their Scientific Work Contribute to Internationalization of the University of Montenegro

The Faculty of Science and Mathematics with their Scientific Work Contribute to Internationalization of the University of Montenegro

The Faculty of Science and Mathematics, where mathematics, physics, biology and chemistry are studied, contributes to the international recognition of the University of Montenegro with its work in the field of scientific research.  Vice Dean for Science of this faculty, Sladjana Krivokapić, PhD, as one of prestigious data states that, thanks to the work of scientists from this faculty, the University is in the category of 800+, in the field of physical sciences in the Time Higher Education ranking. 

"Through work of our researchers, UMNE has become a full member of scientific collaborations CMS and RD50 in the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). The fact that we are at the very top of the University, in addition to a great workload and commitment to teaching process is confirmed by the number of papers in journals on the SCI / SCIE list, with an increase in the number of papers in categories Q1 and Q2, which results in high ranking of our researchers according to citations ", Krivokapić pointed out.

 Strategic partner in the scientific research work of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics is the Ministry of Science. "In the current 2019/20, SMF has 27 active international projects, of which 19 are bilateral, one national and seven international, of which I would single out: HORIZON 2020 - "Strong interaction at the frontier of research and application of basic knowledge" and applications), EUREKA - "Phytopreparations - natural materials based on supercritical extracts with controlled release of active components", as well as the Center of Excellence for Biomedical Research-CEBIMER ", Krivokapić states. 

Priority in further development of scientific research at the Faculty of Science will be, she adds, further internationalization through participation in research projects and prestigious foreign laboratories and research centers CERN, EMBO, EMBL, ICGEB, ESA.

As backbone of the research is represented by young researchers, she points out that the Faculty has employed eight young researchers in the previous period.

"Seven doctoral students, four in the field of biology and three in the field of physics, are employed as scholarship holders of the Ministry of Science, and one within the national project, which affirms research associates which is in line with our faculty's development strategy," Krivokapic said.


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