On the Faculty for Tourism and Hotel Management Recommends Combining Moodle Platforms with Lecturing in Real Time via Zoom Application

On the Faculty for Tourism and Hotel Management Recommends Combining Moodle Platforms with Lecturing in Real Time via Zoom Application

Bearing in mind the new circumstances and impossibility to conduct regular teaching process, employees on the Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management of the University of Montenegro make their full contribution in organizing online teaching, teaching coordinator and Vice-Rector, Đurđica Perović, PhD.

According to her, teaching is conducted via suggested models, uploading materials on the Faculty page, within the official site of the University of Montenegro, through Moodle platform and using Zoom application that makes teaching in real time possible.

With great support of the Information System Centre, professor, assistants and students, manage successfully in modern technologies and overcome all technical problems potentially encountered.

"We are having positive reactions by our students whom we have intensive communication with. Student especially find attractive Zoom application, as model for creating virtual classroom, combined with options offered by the Moodle platform gives students maximum in terms of teaching process in such conditions. In those terms, we directed colleagues to use it as much as possible", she said.

Examinations of students are yet to be defined.

"What is extremely important at this point is to have lectures that go smoothly, to be aware of the situation, and we do our job in best possible way. Wishing all good health, I ask once more to be responsible", Perović says.


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