Representative of Students of the FTHM: Common Work and Effort by Each Individual after Pandemics May Contribute to Positive Results in Tourism

Representative of Students of the FTHM: Common Work and Effort by Each Individual after Pandemics May Contribute to Positive Results in Tourism

Situation caused by global pandemic COVID 19 has forced both faculty and students at the Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management of the University of Montenegro to respond quickly and adapt to the current situation, with the aim of maintaining the quality of teaching so far, Amar Rastoder, a student representative of this faculty, says.

"After the first week that forced us into a new, unnatural way, most professors and associates were able to start transferring knowledge in a good way, and I can say that we are moving in the right direction. From day to day, from lecture to lecture, quality increases,” the student said.

In addition to the awareness that no form of teaching can completely replace live communication between professors and students, the student believes that it is important to emphasize the fact that now more than ever the emphasis is placed on individual work, independently achieving new knowledge and goals.

The main source of information, according to Amar, is the official website of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, and a major role in informing students is the e-mail communication between students of representatives of the years, directions, professors, associates and faculty of the Faculty.

"Communication is generally smooth and up-to-date. Also, some information is provided through online platforms, in groups formed with students listening to a particular subject and subject teacher and associate," the student added.

In the students' opinion, Amar cites the Zoom platform as the most rewarding way of teaching.

"This platform has proven to be the most practical in the previous period, even for delivering demanding lectures in specific subject areas. The platform itself offers us many opportunities for quality and easy teaching, as well as for communication between students, professors and teaching assistants, both individually. so do larger groups. "


Student Amar says self-isolation is a social obligation and a responsibility. "To preserve the health of all people for the coming period, a period that we are all looking forward to, both for the successful end of the academic year and for the tourist season that most of us, as I have hoped for."


"We all know how important tourism is as an industry to Montenegro. No matter what, I am convinced that all measures implemented in a timely manner, working together, advocating for each individual after the pandemic, will contribute to positive results in tourism as well," Amar said.


Most of his free time is devoted to his education, the contribution of the work of the FTHM Student Council and the organizational teams of the professional conferences of which he is a member.


He tells his colleagues the following words: "First, I would urge all colleagues to strictly adhere to NKT measures, to care for their health, as well as the health of the people around them. To stay positive, make the most of their leisure time."


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