Semester: 4
Status: Izborni
Lessons: 1++0
Double: Ne
ECTS catalogue
Learning outcomes:

For piano students: The student will: - To acquire the art of playing together in correlation with different instruments - Recognize the specifics of the work of an artistic collaborator and be qualified to work as a piano collaborator in music schools, higher education institutions and concert institutions - Apply the techniques of playing prima vista and transposition to different intervals - Apply the knowledge of stylistic characteristics to the performance of a specific composition - Expand knowledge of literature for different instruments, vocal and operatic literature - To acquire the art of practical work with singers - Realize the assigned literature from the point of view of the musical context of the compositions - Improve the skills of correct interpretation of assigned musical material - Develop your own opinion based on the collected information and be able to evaluate the examples listened to, - Have personal access to the artwork, - Critically assess and evaluate ones own achievements as well as the achievements of other musicians in a joint performance. For string and brass students: The student will: - Get to know and study the techniques of joint playing in correlation with the piano - Recognize the specifics of the work of artistic collaboration - Get to know the technique of playing prima vista on the piano - Apply the knowledge of stylistic characteristics to the performance of a specific composition - Realize the assigned literature from the point of view of the musical context of the compositions - Improve the skills of correct interpretation of assigned musical material - Develop ones own opinion based on the collected information and be able to evaluate the examples listened to, - Have personal access to the artwork, - Critically assess and evaluate ones own achievements as well as the achievements of the pianist in the joint performance. ​

Teaching staff

Name Lectures Exercises Laboratory