Danilo Planinić

Danilo Planinić

Teaching Associate | Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Danilo Planinić was born on June 8, 1999, in Podgorica. He completed elementary school "Štampar Makarije" in Podgorica in 2014. After finishing elementary school, he enrolled in the "Slobodan Škerović" Gymnasium in Podgorica, which he graduated from in 2018. He was awarded the "Luča A" diploma for his achievements in elementary and high school. He began his undergraduate studies in the Electronics, Telecommunications, and Computers department at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of Montenegro in 2018. During his undergraduate studies, he was a...

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New announcement - 25.02.2021 19:05

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New announcement - 18.02.2021 18:56

Energetika i automatika-Osnove računarstva II

New announcement - 17.05.2024 16:09