Journal "Agriculture and Forestry" classified in Q3 category

Journal "Agriculture and Forestry" classified in Q3 category

In the latest ranking list of scientific journals published on the site Scientific Journal Rankings - SJR journal "Agriculture and Forestry", published by the University of Montenegro - Biotechnical Faculty, is classified in the qualitative category Q3 ( Classification is based on data Scopus Elsevier.

According to SJR data, journals from 239 countries were ranked. The latest ranking refers to measurable indicators during 2020, when our magazine marked 65 years of existence. Agriculture and forestry is published quarterly (4 volumes per year). During 2020, 84 works by authors from as many as 34 countries were published, which is an exceptional contribution to the international visibility of the University of Montenegro and the Biotechnical Faculty. The journal is also in the Clarivate Analytics (Web of Science Coverage: Zoological Record) database.

By the way, the scientific journal "Agriculture and Forestry" began to be published in 1955. The editor-in-chief since 2014 is assistant prof. Milić Čurović, PhD.

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