New Erasmus + Project to Support Visibility and Participation in Transnational Projects for the University of Montenegro

New Erasmus + Project to Support Visibility and Participation in Transnational Projects for the University of Montenegro

The project which will support the inetrnational visibility and participation of the UoM in bilateral,  cross-boarder and transnational projects is approved to the University of Montenegro as the partner institution. The word is about the project within Erasmus + program 2019-1-HR01-KA107-060718 and a key activity ''1'' for the field of higher education for mobility projects between program and partner countries (KA107).

Miomir Jovanovic, PhD, and Aleksandra Despotovic, PhD, representatives from the Biotechnical Faculty of the UoM, are coordinators of the project in the name of the University of Montenegro.

 ‘’Project will be implemented with partner institutions from Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina during the period from 2019 to 2021. The project has the aim to develop the mobility between partner institutions, and all for further development and strengthening of the attractiveness of the UoM for participation in bilateral, cross-boarder and transnational projects’’, Jovanovic said. 

Despotovic explained that the obligation of the institution is to offer its programs and practices to students and staff of partner institutions.

Jovanovic and Despotovic, coordinators of the project, consider that the thing that was the recommendation for the approval of this project, for which they got the announcement of the Agency for Mobility and EU programs in Zagreb, is above all, the quality of prepared application established on program of implementation of activities on partner institutions adapted to Bologna process, equipment of institution for implementation of cooperation and the quality of practice of students and staff.


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