Semester: 11
Status: Obavezan
Lessons: 3+2+0
Double: Ne
ECTS catalogue
Learning outcomes:

After completing one-semestral forensic medicine course, student of medicine should achieve following learning outcomes : 1. Describes body injuris in the living and deceased persons, diagnoses their type, and adequately fills in medical documentation. 2. Determines the relationship between diseases and injuries; knows the difference between complications and consequences; he is familiar with the principles of qualification of injuries. 3. Differs death in origin and significance of performing autopsies. 4. He/she is qualified to recognize the signs of death, establishes the death on the scene as well as in medical institution, and determines the approximate time of death. 5. Depending on the circumstances of the case, he is qualified to require and / or propose clinical and / or forensic autopsy. 6. Correctly fulfills Certificate of death. 7. He is familiar with the procedures of identification of the living and the dead persons, especially in massive disasters. 8. He is familiar with the methodology of establishing drunkenness, drug intoxication, doping, poisoning. 9. He is familiar with the importance of DNA technology to establish paternity, identification, biological traces. 10.He is cognizant of the importance of traffic accidents and injuries caused by fall from a height. 11. He is familiar with the procedures in cases of family violence and torture. 12. He obtains the knowledge of medicolegal framework in criminal responsibility related to medical practise, iatrogenic injuries in dentistry, as well as the patients rights. 13. He understands the importance of sexually related criminal offenses, and adequately professionally acts in the given cases. 14. He is familiar with importance of homicidal, suicidal and accidental deaths, and how to proceed in every individual case.

Teaching staff

Name Lectures Exercises Laboratory