Rector Božovićs speech: University of Montenegro - the Promethean fire of knowledge around which the most valuable gather

Rector Božovićs speech: University of Montenegro - the Promethean fire of knowledge around which the most valuable gather

Honorable President of Montenegro, esteemed President of the Montenegrin Assembly, distinguished Vice Presidents and Ministers of the Government, esteemed religious dignitaries, Chairwoman of the Board, honorable President of the Student Parliament, esteemed representatives of the judiciary and the Prosecution, esteemed members of Parliament, Your Excellencies - diplomatic representatives in Montenegro, esteemed rectors and other guests from the academic community of Europe and the world, emeritus professors and honorary doctors, members of the UCG Senate, Board of Directors, dear deans and heads of faculties, institutes, esteemed business partners and donors, respected representatives of public and state institutions, media, dear students, colleagues, friends, dear celebrants of a great jubilee:

Happy birthday to the University of Montenegro!

From the Word of the enlightened, heaven-inspired ruler Đurađ Crnojević, the Book, Oktoih Prvoglasnik, emerged just about forty years after Gutenberg introduced a new galaxy to Europe and the world. This Renaissance and noble seed sown at Obod exactly 530 years ago, that wondrous, magnificent two-tone beauty has determined the entire path of our literacy and culture. This Book has germinated in the consciousness of the people, in tradition, in folk songs, the Epistles of Saint Peter, Njegošs Mountain Wreath, the petrified epic of Petar Lubarda, Examples of Valor and Heroism by Marko Miljanov, the lyrical sculptures of Risto Stijović... And after many centuries, it grew into a Temple of knowledge and beauty whose jubilee we celebrate today.

Montenegro has been the scene of many battles. The hardest and most glorious, the battles that built the national spirit, character, and value system, were the altar of volcanic desire for Freedom. In that same momentum, but in the guise and spirit of an era of soaring and hope, exactly 480 years after the first printed book in the Slavic South, the University of Montenegro was born. It was necessary for Montenegros warlike, fierce, often indescribable historical odyssey to transition onto a plane of a new, different civilizational battle. To build a Home - a community of students and professors, where societys life year after year would be infused with logos and adorned with beauty. Probably, that is the most succinct statement of the mission of the University of Montenegro.

Today, we strongly feel the impetus of those who founded the University half a century ago. Rarely in Montenegros past, due to the fate of historical adversities, could one think strategically, decades ahead. Fortunately, in 1974, the time and people achieved the necessary and fruitful harmony from which the University was born.

In an extraordinary, Promethean vision, the founders knew that the University of Montenegro would be that fire around which the most valuable that this country possesses would gather. And without a doubt, they hoped that its precious fruits would return again to this country and its people.

Since 1974, the University has been a field of challenging struggle for Montenegro of knowledge. And today, in its amphitheaters, laboratories, libraries, exhausting battles are fought for Freedom. For a country of Freedom where the forces of literacy, science, and arts will rule. For a University that will gift every individual in society a seed of new value.

Although today we link memories of all the previous 50 years, to us, this date is primarily a breath of the future, written in the emblematic and symbolically layered slogan FuturUM. The past 50 years have been a run-up to the Future, in which UM (mind) reigns. Therefore, this is a celebration of our future dedicated primarily to the students of the University of Montenegro.

We have grown stronger over these 50 years, we walk more confidently in the universe of ideas and knowledge. Our real size far exceeds the dry statistics with which we typically describe ourselves. We are at the source of sharp ideas but also of a tradition that we must carefully nurture. Especially in a time that erases the "inequalities" of spirit, and the world tightens and uniforms into some matrix-like confection.

Therefore, our dear students, boldly and courageously, keep your gaze high, let your voice distinctly emerge from the deafening roar of increasingly shallow everyday life. Be responsible for the gifts you have. Let us not waste them and not allow ourselves to be labor for the realization of others dreams. Only in this way do we build the stamp of a strong culture with which even some small nations have soared high on the ladder of universal achievements. Scientific and all others. The fact that we are a small social community in no way means that we should not fight to be the best whenever and wherever we compete. It may be harder for us, but the fruits of success are sweeter and more lasting.

Dear friends, let this evening be our deep bow, an ode to all the pioneers, founders, professors, and students who have shaped the University of Montenegro over the past 50 years. Through stories, memories, and material evidence, given in the Book, just published monograph about the university, an overview of the historical flow in which the institution was created and developed is presented.

In this spirit, and deeply believing in the fruits of this evenings gathering, let this University and the Book about it continue to be the safest and most beautiful bridge to the shores of knowledge and success for future generations.


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