The Confucius Institute at the University of Montenegro participated in the Dumpling Festival organized by the Chi Le Ma Plus restaurant in Podgorica

The Confucius Institute at the University of Montenegro participated in the Dumpling Festival organized by the Chi Le Ma Plus restaurant in Podgorica

On Sunday, October 1, 2023. year, the Confucius Institute at the University of Montenegro, as a co-organizer, participated in the Dumpling Festival organized by the Chi Le Ma Plus restaurant in Podgorica.

Lovers of the Chinese language and culture, as well as other interested guests, had the opportunity to learn how to make the famous Chinese dumplings, which have a special significance for the Chinese people. All present had the opportunity to go through the process of making dumplings, from rolling out the dough, filling the dumplings, cooking and finally tasting.

Dumpling - Dumpling (jiǎozi 餃子) - is a Chinese dish made of dough and mostly filled with meat and vegetables. Stuffing mixes vary according to personal taste, region and season. Dumplings are steamed or fried. They are usually eaten with a sauce of vinegar and chili oil or paste, and occasionally soy sauce is added. Chinese stuffed dumplings were invented during the Han Dynasty by a man named Zhang Zhongjian. 1800 years ago, a "medicine saint" was returning to his ancestral village after a long period of absence. During that winter, the febrile illness turned into an epidemic. Many poor people and their fellow citizens succumbed to the cold weather due to lack of warm clothing and sufficient food and suffered frostbite, mostly around the ears. Seeing their condition, Zhang was determined to do something to help them. He cooked lamb, black peppers and a few medicinal herbs, chopped them up and wrapped them in a piece of dough. He shaped them like ears and cooked them. Each patient was given two pieces and a bowl of hot soup. After a few days, the frostbite disappeared and the epidemic was under control. Since then, most people start imitating Zhangs recipe with additional ingredients like vegetables and other meats to celebrate Chinese New Year. Although people like to call the dumplings "jiaozi", they were originally called "jiaoer" because of their "tender ears" shape.

The Chinese have a habit of preparing dumplings before every trip because they believe that they will have a happy and successful trip because of it.

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