A Notice of the Council of the Ethics Committee

Pursuant to Article 21, paragraph 1, and in connection with Article 31 of the Code of Ethics of the University of Montenegro (Bulletin of the UCG, No. 467/19) and Art. 59, 60 and 87 of the Law on Administrative Procedure (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No. 56/14, 20/15, 40/16 and 37/17), the President of the Council of the Ethics Committee


  1. Radoje Glavaš and Vasilje Jovović that it is necessary to eliminate the shortcomings in the Proposal for Violation of Academic Integrity, no. 01 / 12-1408 from April 14, 2021 and to supplement the Proposal with the data from Article 20 paragraph 1 of the Code of Ethics of the University of Montenegro and Article 59 paragraph 2 of the Law on Administrative Procedure, within 10 days from the date of delivery of this notice.
  2. A notice is published on May 18, 2021, and the deadline for supplementing the Proposal is due May 29, 2021.


Podgorica, May 17, 2021



                                                                  OF THE COUNCIL OF THE ETHICS COMMITTEE

     Sekule Raičević


The notice is in the attachment.


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