MSA Conference Started: About 200 Scientists Discuss about many Current Issues from Sport and Medical Science

MSA Conference Started: About 200 Scientists Discuss about many Current Issues from Sport and Medical Science

International Conference of the Montenegrin Sports Academy started working today, via ZOOM application where about 200 Imagescientists from 46 states, worldwide, exchange knowledge, open and discuss about many current issues within the field of sports and medical science.

Chairperson of this Conference, Dusko Bjelica, PhD, said that six plenary lecturers of worldly reputation are one of the most important segments of attracting attention of international scientific public that has been increasing year by year.

„In these times, we have a particular responsibility to continue working and developing cooperation with prestigious names of science. Even more because we have the support of CEI (Central European Initiative), that supports European integrations and international cooperation. Our plenary lecturers are professors and science researchers coming from universities in Turkey, Portugal, Luxemburg, Slovenia and Croatia. Among them are Selčuk Akpinar, Adilson Markes, Goran Garbilo, Hugo Sermento, Gregor Starc and Sandra Hek“, the residing Bjelica announced.

As he says, expertise of lecturers is focused on current topics from all fields of sports science, including physiology and sports medicine, social and humanistic sciences, biomechanics and neuromuscular medicine.

Next to plenary lecturers, during a three-day program, within Zoom application, attendees will have the opportunity to see and hear also presenters of oral and poster presentations, lecturers in foreseen workshops, and also to be included through the discussion. 

"Science papers from the most prestigious conference in sports science will enter the Web of Science, global data base. Herewith the activities of participants will be more transparent. Presented abstracts will be published in Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine), issued by the Montenegrin Sports Academy and the Faculty for Sport and Physical Education on the University of Montenegro", the residing Bjelica emphasized.

This journal is indexed in world bases such as WOS, Scopus, Index Copernicus, DOAJ, SCImago, SPORTDiscus, ERIH PLUS, ProQuest, Open Academic Journals Index, Google Scholar, SHERPA/RoMEO, Crossref, NLM Catalog, Islamic World Science Citation Center, and ROAD.

Montenegrin Sports Academy organizes conference in cooperation with the Faculty for Sport and Physical Education of the University of Montenegro and other international partners as well under sponsorship of traditional and new sponsors as well.

Chairperson Bjelica underlined that the support of partners, especially from universities from France, Germany, Portugal, Croatia, North Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo, and the University of Montenegro and university units as well as Montenegrin Olympic Committee contributed that conference becomes a unique event in the region, in domestic and international level. For that name, he thanked Rector UMNE, Danilo Nikolic, PhD, and President of the MOC, Dusan Simonovic, MA.

"I would like specially to thank the Dean of the Faculty for Sport and Physical Education, Stevo Popovic, PhD, who, with his associates, professionally prepared and planned all the details for this conference to be impeccably held to the possible extent", Bjelica emphasized.

Online conference number XVII is conditioned by global pandemics and implementation of measures for prevention of virus COVID 19.

Within the global science community, MSA conference was promoted by European College of Sports Science (ECSS) announcing it as event of the year, next to site of International Association of participants of the Olympic Academy IOAPA.

Scientists who applied their papers for this conference come from the United Kingdom, Russia, Switzerland, Turkey, Thailand, China, Taiwan, New Zealand, Spain, Italy, Slovakia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Egypt, Hungary, India, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kenia, Liberia, Malesia, Morocco, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Albania, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.   

The Conference ends on April 5th.

More information available at:

Program of the video conference is available at:


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