The book of the University of Montenegro was awarded for the best art edition

The book of the University of Montenegro was awarded for the best art edition

The University of Montenegro won the Award for the best art edition at the 15th International Podgorica Book Fair, for the book "Montenegrin Weapons, Illustrated Monograph on the Development of Infantry Weapons in Montenegro (1870-1916)".

The book was created as a result of the scientific work of the Historical Institute of the University on the project: "Montenegrin army and its weapons in the XIX and early XX century". The project is conceived as a multi-volume edition, in accordance with various topics related to the history of equipping and arming the Montenegrin army, as well as changes in the way it is organized.

The awarded book: Montenegrin Weapons (1870-1916), is the first edition realized so far, within this edition. The book deals with the development of infantry, especially small arms, weapons of Montenegro from 1870 to 1916, based on foreign and domestic archives.

Along with richly illustrated material, readers were offered a book on Montenegrin weapons, from a point of view and by a procedure that has not been practiced in Montenegrin historical scientific literature so far.

“Bearing in mind that it could be one of the incentives, or a proposal for the realization of the long-standing idea of ​​establishing a museum of weapons or a military museum in Montenegro, we tried to support the reasons for that with the content of the book. Let us state that because of that, for example, great attention is paid to the military-technical aspect in terms of constructions, types and types of weapons with the original origin of the solution, which has been neglected so far, and often created confusion and even misstatement of models and systems of Montenegrin weapons. Apart from the fact that the methodological approach is special, the book deserves special attention due to the fact that it was created on the basis of hitherto unused archival material. These are archival documents which, although of Montenegrin provenance, are still not in archival institutions in Montenegro, but in the archives of the states created on the territory of the former Austro-Hungarian monarchy", reads the preface of this book.

The authors of this edition are Branko Bogdanović, associate and Radoslav Raspopović, PhD, scientific advisor and director of the Historical Institute, while the review is signed by academician Mihailo Vojvodić and scientific advisor Milić Milićević, PhD.




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