Vjezbe Engleski jezik II - 07.04.2020 23:29

Dear all,


the aim of these exercises is controlled practise of *going to for planned intentions. An intention is something that we would like to do in the future. These are general plans for the future.

When we are talking about an intention, we have not taken specific, concrete steps to achieve the action. We are just talking about something that we hope to do in the future.

When we want to talk about our intentions in the future, we must use the future with going to.

This is the most correct way to talk about general plans for the future.


Correct: Someday, I'm going to learn how to dance!

Incorrect: Someday, I will learn how to dance!

We don't generally use the simple future with will to talk about intentions. The best way to talk about intentions is with the future with going to.


Please, do the following exercises in your workbooks:


exercise 5. Making arrangements (page 32, Unit 5)

exercise 6. Choosing the correct form (page 32, Unit 5)


Spomenka Nikolic


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