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2022/2023 |
Bojanić Danilo
BMC Public Health, Naziv rada: The Effect of the Physical Activity Program Developed According to the Precede-Proceed Model on the Physical Activity Level and Physical Activity Behavior of Elementary School Students. Web of science (SSCI Q1). Recenziran 25.12.2023.
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2023/2024 |
Bojanić Danilo
Nutricion Hospitalaria, Naziv rada: Long-term quality of life in patients with bariatric surgery evaluated with BAROS. ( 05037-01). Recenziran, 12.02.2024.
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2023/2024 |
Bojanić Danilo
PLOS ONE, Naziv rada: Advancing 100m Sprint Performance Prediction: A Machine Learning Approach to Velocity Curve Modeling and Performance Correlation.(PONE-D-24-03797) Recenziran 1.03.2024.202
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2023/2024 |
Bojanić Danilo
PLOS ONE, Naziv rada: Physical fitness characteristics of elite freestyle skiing aerials athletes. (PONE – D-24- 07593R1). Recenziran 20.05.2024.
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2023/2024 |
Bojanić Danilo
Nutricion Hospitalaria, Naziv rada: NHANES data analysis of the cardiometabolic index in relation to lumbar spine bone mineral density" (05548-01). Recenziran 30.10.2024.
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2023/2024 |
Popović Stevo
BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation (9b9b219b-b784-43ce-86e9-e6015c788b67): An analysis of transition-resulted goal scoring patterns in football leagues: a comparison of the first 5 rounds and the last 5 rounds prior midway of the season
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2023/2024 |
Popović Stevo
PeerJ (#90638): Examination of the effect of static stretching exercises on shoulder range of motion in swimmers aged 13-16
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2023/2024 |
Popović Stevo
PeerJ (#94189): Longitudinal variations of anthropometrical and physical characteristics in Italian elite adolescent soccer players
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2023/2024 |
Popović Stevo
Sage Open (SO-23-5476): Creating Conducive Learning Settings in Adult Education: an All-Inclusive Review of Physical and Psychosocial Issues
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2023/2024 |
Popović Stevo
Sage Open (SO-23-5574): The Practice of Inclusive Educational Leadership in Public Primary and Secondary Schools of Fiche and Jimma Towns, Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia: An Empirical Study
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2023/2024 |
Popović Stevo
Sage Open (SO-23-6244): Social participation, identification and perceived impacts as antecedents to quality of life and support for sporting events
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2023/2024 |
Popović Stevo
BMC Public Health (1ad8c65c-6377-42ae-aa5f-88ca03cccf64): The Effect of the Physical Activity Program Developed According to the Precede-Proceed Model on the Physical Activity Level and Physical Activity Behavior of Elementary School Students
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2023/2024 |
Popović Stevo
BMC Public Health (7a102ac2-3fe0-45e1-9c41-cde623c0b329): An empirical study of the Flag Rugby game programme to promote gross motor skills and physical fitness in 5-6 year old preschool children
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2023/2024 |
Popović Stevo
BMC Public Health (f5147787-680e-4148-815e-1fbf9d1536ae): Ready for action-A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of sleep on next-day physical activity in children and adolescents
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2023/2024 |
Popović Stevo
BMC Public Health (432d7259-7f6b-4123-ab0a-685387ae5fc7): The combined association of physical activity and alcohol intake with long-term mortality: an age-stratified analysis
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2023/2024 |
Popović Stevo
Plos One (PONE-D-24-00086): The Effects of Functional Training on Physical Fitness and Skill-Related Performance among Basketball Players: A Systematic Review
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2023/2024 |
Popović Stevo
PLOS One (PONE-D-23-41001): Leisure-time physical activity improves happiness, health and mood profile better than work-related physical activity for women and men in different age groups
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2023/2024 |
Popović Stevo
PLOS One (PONE-D-23-36041): Effects of Short-Term Pre-Competition Weight Loss on Certain Physiological Parameters and Strength Change in Elite Boxers
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2023/2024 |
Popović Stevo
PLOS One (PONE-D-23-31889): Elite Chinese Student-Athletes’ Dual Career Competencies and Barriers
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2023/2024 |
Popović Stevo
PLOS One (PONE-D-23-42251): Lifespan BMI and midlife cognitive function: The Bogalusa Heart Study
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2023/2024 |
Popović Stevo
PLOS One (PONE-D-23-42978): Relative age effects and implications for sport performance in elite Chinese junior male basketball players
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2023/2024 |
Popović Stevo
PLOS One (PONE-D-23-39884): Fast and stable responses during decision-making require strong inhibitory processes in soccer players
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2023/2024 |
Popović Stevo
PLOS One (PONE-D-23-38752): The association between eating behaviours, self-concept, and overweight/obesity among Indian adolescents
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2023/2024 |
Popović Stevo
PLOS One (PONE-D-23-36702): Design, Content and Ecological Validity and Reliability of the School-Age Children’s Active Habits Questionnaire
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2023/2024 |
Popović Stevo
Sports Medicine – Open (SMOA-D-24-00442): Comparison Between Functional Evaluation Tests Used in Physical Activity Programs to Assess the Severity of Knee Osteoarthritis: A Scoping Review
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2023/2024 |
Popović Stevo
BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine (bmjsem-2024-002024): Individual Versus Group Exercise Effect on Youth Physical Activity Levels: a Randomized Controlled Trial
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2023/2024 |
Popović Stevo
BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation: The Role of Theoretical Models in Explaining Physical Activity Among College Students: A Systematic Review
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2023/2024 |
Popović Stevo
BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation: Longitudinal Study on Minority College Students’ Physical Fitness Using Physical Fitness Systems
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2023/2024 |
Popović Stevo
British Journal of Sports Medicine (bjsports-2024-108191): “Weekend Warrior” Physical Activity Pattern and Risk of Incident Cancer
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2023/2024 |
Popović Stevo
Journal of Motor Behavior (35-24-029-RA): The effect of task demands on foot selection in left-footed children
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2023/2024 |
Popović Stevo
Obesity Facts (OFA-2024-6-8): TERT Translocation as a Novel Condition in Intrauterine Growth Restriction Rats with Early Catch-up Growth
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2022/2023 |
Ljubojević Milovan
Health-related fitness in medical students: A Curricular Intervention in Bogota, Colombia. BMC Public Health - f8b3b7bf-eba4-46b4-8619-1382e18e413a
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2022/2023 |
Ljubojević Milovan
Accelerometer-measured absolute versus relative physical activity intensity: associations with health in a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health - ebef9f51-e532-4bd0-809d-b39972449426
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2022/2023 |
Ljubojević Milovan
It has to be my way –Preventing sedentary time when in transition to retirement. BMC Public Health - d51e90a3-1ff6-4c0a-a16b-b8baf90d9659
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2022/2023 |
Ljubojević Milovan
Effects of high-intensity circuit training on body composition and selected cardiovascular parameters in overweight and obese children aged 9-12. BMC Public Health - 31036afe-dcb4-47eb-bc46-8076197c29b2
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2022/2023 |
Ljubojević Milovan
Relationship between 24-hour Activity Behavior and Body Fat Percentage in Preschool Children: Based on Compositional Data and Isotemporal Substitution Analysis". BMC Public Health - aac3f2aa-72f4-4965-b6dc-0ccd8db483e8
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2022/2023 |
Ljubojević Milovan
SARS-CoV-2 new variants and Winter Olympic Games 2022: Athletes performance and pandemic control. BMC Public Health - 77ecdf32-9b7d-49af-9f55-f068b6099ad4
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2022/2023 |
Ljubojević Milovan
Health-related fitness in medical students: A Curricular Intervention in Bogota, Colombia. BMC Public Health - f8b3b7bf-eba4-46b4-8619-1382e18e413a
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2022/2023 |
Ljubojević Milovan
The Effects of Smartphone Addiction on Physical Activity, Fatigue and Sleep Quality of University Students. Journal of Environmental and Public Health - 5581442
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2022/2023 |
Ljubojević Milovan
Long-term recreational exercise patterns in adolescents and young adults: trajectory predictors and associations with health, mental-health, and educational outcomes. Plos One - PONE-D-23-07275R1
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2022/2023 |
Ljubojević Milovan
Positive Skill Transfer in Balance and Speed Control from Balance Bike to Pedal Bike in Adults: A Multiphase Intervention Study. Plos One - PONE-D-23-13359R1
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2022/2023 |
Ljubojević Milovan
BMI Trajectory in Adulthood in Relation to All Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality: A Retrospective Cohort Study in Taiwan. Plos One - PONE-D-23-03991R3
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2022/2023 |
Ljubojević Milovan
Executive dysfunction as a possible mediator for the association between excessive screen time and problematic behaviors in preschoolers. Plos One - PONE-D-23-10756R2
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2022/2023 |
Ljubojević Milovan
Positive Skill Transfer in Balance and Speed Control from Balance Bike to PedalBike in Adults: A Multiphase Intervention Study. Plos One - PONE-D-23-13359R1
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2022/2023 |
Ljubojević Milovan
Accelerometer-assessed physical activity, falls and quality of life in community-dwelling older adults. Protocol for a longitudinal observational study. Plos One - PONE-D-23-02773R1
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2022/2023 |
Ljubojević Milovan
Deep Phenotyping of Socio-Emotional Skills in Children with Typical Development, Neurodevelopmental Disorders, and Mental Health Conditions: Evidence from the PEERS. Plos One - PONE-D-22-32992R2
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2022/2023 |
Ljubojević Milovan
The level of the gender gap in academic publishing varies by country and region of affiliation: a cross-sectional study of articles published in general medical journals. Plos One - PONE-D-23-13114R2
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2022/2023 |
Ljubojević Milovan
Effects of Plyometric Training on Technical Skill Performance among Athletes: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Plos One - PONE-D-23-09171R1
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2022/2023 |
Ljubojević Milovan
Effects of Plyometric Training on Skill Performance among Athletes: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials. Plos One - PONE-D-23-09171
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2022/2023 |
Ljubojević Milovan
Predictors of long-term recreational exercise participation in adolescents and young adults. Plos One - PONE-D-23-07275
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2022/2023 |
Ljubojević Milovan
Eating disorders, body image, anxiety, depression, physical activity and sedentary behavior in Brazilian women. Plos One - PONE-D-23-04894
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2022/2023 |
Ljubojević Milovan
Short-term and long-term effect of keto diet and efficacy of weight management: A narrative review. Journal of Environmental and Public Health - 5447968
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2022/2023 |
Ljubojević Milovan
Establishment and Practice of Physical Education Evaluation
Using Grey Cluster Analysis under the Data Background. Journal of Environmental and Public Health - 3319903
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2023/2024 |
Vrević Erol
Nutritional status, dietary intake, and physical activity among adolescents: A pilot nationwide cross sectional survey from Egypt - BMC Public Health - (ID - f02dc843-0652-4106-86f9-64025a8e78c6)
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2023/2024 |
Vrević Erol
Association between blood heavy metals and cardiovascular disease in patients with prediabetes - BMC Public Health - (ID - 5ea8297b-6f66-424b-a3c5-f0eb0a4a9b05)
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2023/2024 |
Mašanović Bojan
BMC Public Health [1d4ba7ad-6f61-454e-8c07-034c702d0668] - The effect of Internet use on overweight and obesity among adolescents: A longitudinal study in China
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2023/2024 |
Mašanović Bojan
BMC Public Health [66b2a58b-6f2e-4ff1-b7cd-0ab8b72d0e7e] - The Comparison of association between obesity-related anthropometric indices and gestational diabetes mellitus in Qingdao
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2023/2024 |
Mašanović Bojan
BMC Public Health [d8e6d130-ba64-44e9-838c-4d469040c60b] - Study on the relationship and related factors between physical fitness and health behavior of preschool children in southwest China
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2023/2024 |
Mašanović Bojan
BMC Public Health [e4746ea6-148d-45fc-a64a-5d32d3cc234c] - Association of anthropometric measures with all-cause and cause-specific mortality in US adults: revisiting the obesity paradox
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2023/2024 |
Mašanović Bojan
BMC Public Health[f07f1d65-4db5-4ba5-b261-4eed3f2c4429] - A serial mediation model testing physical activity, self-esteem, and depression as predictors of mobile phone addiction
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2023/2024 |
Mašanović Bojan
BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation [9b9b219b-b784-43ce-86e9-e6015c788b67] - An analysis of transition-resulted goal scoring patterns in football leagues: a comparison of the first 5 rounds and the last 5 rounds prior midway of the season
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2023/2024 |
Mašanović Bojan
PeerJ [90638v1] - Examination of the effect of static stretching exercises on shoulder range of motion in swimmers aged 13-16
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2023/2024 |
Mašanović Bojan
PeerJ [94189v1] - Longitudinal variations of anthropometrical and physical characteristics in Italian elite adolescent soccer players
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2023/2024 |
Mašanović Bojan
Plos One [PONE-D-23-04239] - Sedentary behaviours of children during the COVID‐19 pandemic and their association with maternal employment in Bangladesh: A cross‐sectional study
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2023/2024 |
Mašanović Bojan
Plos One [PONE-D-23-30030] - A multidisciplinary protocol for reducing excessive and maintaining a healthy body weight in the management of chronic diseases in children and adults
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2023/2024 |
Mašanović Bojan
Plos One [PONE-D-23-31889] - Elite Chinese Student‐Athletes’ Dual Career Competencies and Barriers
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2023/2024 |
Mašanović Bojan
Plos One: [PONE-D-23-32975] - Children and young people’s body mass index measures derived from routine data sources: A national data linkage study in Wales
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2023/2024 |
Mašanović Bojan
Plos One [PONE-D-23-34707] - Adherence to 24‐hour Integrated Activity Guidelines among Infants, Toddlers and Preschool children in Singapore
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2023/2024 |
Mašanović Bojan
Plos One [PONE-D-23-36041] - Effects of Short‐Term Pre‐Competition Weight Loss on Certain Physiological Parameters and Strength Change in Elite Boxers
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2023/2024 |
Mašanović Bojan
Plos One [PONE-D-23-39884] - Fast and stable responses during decision‐making require strong inhibitory processes in soccer players
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2023/2024 |
Mašanović Bojan
Plos One [PONE-D-23-40232] - Relation of the structure of thesis and Impact Factor in Clinical Medicine
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2023/2024 |
Mašanović Bojan
Plos One [PONE-D-23-41648] - Determinants of overweight and obesity among children between 5 to 11 years in Ecuador: a secondary analysis from the National Health Survey 2018
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2023/2024 |
Mašanović Bojan
Plos One [PONE-D-23-42978] - Relative age effects and implications for sport performance in elite Chinese junior male basketball players
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2023/2024 |
Mašanović Bojan
Diagnostics [diagnostics-2824354] - The unpredictable ulnar nerve – ulnar nerve entrapment from anatomical, pathophysiological, and biopsychosocial aspects
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2023/2024 |
Mašanović Bojan
Scientific Reports [3cbb4dfc‐e10e‐40d3‐b8f9‐228016e8b3cc] - Changes in the components of physical fitness determining health of young adults - on the example of a long-term observation of physiotherapy students from Bydgoszcz (Poland) in the years 2001-2020
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2023/2024 |
Mašanović Bojan
Diagnostics_diagnostics (2824354) - The unpredictable ulnar nerve – ulnar nerve entrapment from anatomical, pathophysiological, and biopsychosocial aspects
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2023/2024 |
Mašanović Bojan
Disabilities (3157112) - Evaluation of ‘George’s Gymnastics Program’, a community gymnastic program for children with a disability:
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2023/2024 |
Gardašević Jovan
PLOS ONE (PONE-D-23-42251)– Lifespan BMI and midlife cognitive function: The Bogalusa Heart Study
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2023/2024 |
Gardašević Jovan
BMC Public Health (7a102ac2-3fe0-45e1-9c41-cde623c0b329) - An empirical study of the Flag Rugby game programme to promote gross motor skills and physical fitness in 5-6 year old preschool children
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2023/2024 |
Gardašević Jovan
BMC Public Health (1ad8c65c-6377-42ae-aa5f-88ca03cccf64) - The Effect of the Physical Activity Program Developed According to the Precede-Proceed Model on the Physical Activity Level and Physical Activity Behavior of Elementary School Students
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2023/2024 |
Gardašević Jovan
BMC Public Health (1d4ba7ad-6f61-454e-8c07-034c702d0668) - The effect of Internet use on overweight and obesity among adolescents: A longitudinal study in China
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2023/2024 |
Gardašević Jovan
BMC Public Health (66b2a58b-6f2e-4ff1-b7cd-0ab8b72d0e7e) - The Comparison of association between obesity-related anthropometric indices and gestational diabetes mellitus in Qingdao
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2023/2024 |
Gardašević Jovan
BMC Public Health (e4746ea6-148d-45fc-a64a-5d32d3cc234c) - Association of anthropometric measures with all-cause and cause-specific mortality in US adults: revisiting the obesity paradox
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2023/2024 |
Gardašević Jovan
Medicine, Science and the Law (MSL-23-233)- Stature prediction from handprint measurements: searching for new parameters
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2023/2024 |
Gardašević Jovan
BMC Public Health (d8e6d130-ba64-44e9-838c-4d469040c60b) - Study on the relationship and related factors between physical fitness and health behavior of preschool children in southwest China
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2023/2024 |
Gardašević Jovan
PLOS ONE (PONE-D-23-41001)– Leisure-time physical activity improves happiness, health and mood profile better than work-related physical activity for women and men in different age groups
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2023/2024 |
Gardašević Jovan
PLOS ONE (PONE-D-23-38752)– The association between eating behaviours, self-concept, and overweight/obesity among Indian adolescents
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2023/2024 |
Gardašević Jovan
BMC Public Health (27f934b5-d922-45dd-b558-dae6528819ea) - Intelligent Transformation of the Fitness Industry Based on PESTEL’s Analysis: Evidence from Mobile Fitness Apps by Chinese College Students
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2023/2024 |
Gardašević Jovan
PLOS ONE (PONE-D-23-36702)– Design, Content and Ecological Validity and Reliability of the School-Age Children’s Active Habits Questionnaire
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2023/2024 |
Gardašević Jovan
BMC Public Health (f07f1d65-4db5-4ba5-b261-4eed3f2c4429) - A serial mediation model testing physical activity, self-esteem, and depression as predictors of mobile phone addiction
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2023/2024 |
Gardašević Jovan
PLOS ONE (PONE-D-23-33963)– The predictive influence of family, teachers, and peers on affective, cognitive, and behavioral school engagement in primary and secondary school students
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2023/2024 |
Gardašević Jovan
BMC Public Health (56bda45d-008b-44e6-8e4a-c300c35b23cd) - Mediation Role of Cardiorespiratory Fitness on Association of Moderate to vigorous Physical Activity and Physical Literacy among 8 to 12 Years Old Children: The PAK-IPPL Cross-Sectional Study
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2023/2024 |
Gardašević Jovan
PLOS ONE (PONE-D-23-30030)– A multidisciplinary protocol for reducing excessive and maintaining a healthy body weight in the management of chronic diseases in children and adults
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2023/2024 |
Gardašević Jovan
BMC Public Health (f5147787-680e-4148-815e-1fbf9d1536ae) - Ready for action-A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of sleep on next-day physical activity in children and adolescents
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2023/2024 |
Gardašević Jovan
PLOS ONE (PONE-D-23-34707)– Adherence to 24-hour Integrated Activity Guidelines among Infants, Toddlers and Preschool children in Singapore
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2023/2024 |
Gardašević Jovan
PLOS ONE (PONE-D-23-41648)– Determinants of overweight and obesity among children between 5 to 11 years in Ecuador: a secondary analysis from the National Health Survey 2018
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2023/2024 |
Gardašević Jovan
BMC Public Health (1cbc81ed-8b47-46bb-80e6-427c7de9983b) - Meta-analysis of the Effect of Different Exercise Methods on Exercise Intervention of Obese Adolescents
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2023/2024 |
Gardašević Jovan
PLOS ONE (PONED-23-04239R2)– Sedentary behaviours of children during the COVID-19 pandemic and their association with maternal employment in Bangladesh: A cross-sectional study
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2023/2024 |
Gardašević Jovan
PLOS ONE (PONED-23-04239R2) – Children and young people’s body mass index measures derived from routine data sources: A national data linkage study in Wales
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2023/2024 |
Gardašević Jovan
Frontiers in Public Health (1356964) - Physical Fitness and Body Build Parameters of Children and Adolescents Participating in the Physical Activity Promotion Programme "Athletics for All!
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2023/2024 |
Gardašević Jovan
Frontiers in Public Health (1392803) - Comparison of physical activity and physical fitness in children and adolescents of Chinese Han and Tibet ethnicity
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2023/2024 |
Gardašević Jovan
British Journal of Sports Medicine (108546) - Effect of Tai Chi versus Walking Exercise on Mood Disturbance, Cognitive Function, and Physical Fitness: A Three-arm Randomized Controlled Trial
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2023/2024 |
Gardašević Jovan
Medicine (MD-D-24-09378) - Hematological Parameters and Clinical Findings in Children with Obesity and Comparison with Healthy Children
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2023/2024 |
Gardašević Jovan
Frontiers in Public Health (1493900) – Investigation of the Playing Digital Games on Shoulder Flexibility, Muscle Strength and Reaction Speed in Volleyball Players
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