Predavanje istraživača sa španskog Instituta matematičkih nauka dr Keith Rogers -a

Predavanje istraživača sa španskog Instituta matematičkih nauka dr <span class="CyrLatIgnore">Keith Rogers</span> -a

Dr Keith Rogers, istraživač na Institutu Matematičkih nauka u Španiji, održaće predavanje pod nazivom The Calderón inverse problem with Lipschitz conductivities u četvrtak, 21. marta u 11h u amfiteatru 012. U nastavku je sažetak predavanja.

We will consider Electrical Impedence Tomography; the determination of the conductivity of the interior a body using only electrical measurements on its surface. We will assume that the conductivity is bounded above and below by positive constants and that the conductivity and surface are Lipschitz continuous. After presenting the well-known connections with inverse scattering and nonlinear Fourier analysis, I will describe formulas to reconstruct the conductivity given complete and uncorrupted data on the surface. For this, we will solve an associated integral equation locally, finding solutions in H^1(B), where B is a ball that properly contains the body. A key ingredient is to equip this Sobolev space with an equivalent norm which depends on two auxiliary parameters that can be chosen to yield a contraction.

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