Gostujuće predavanje profesora Pavela Korobčaka sa Instituta za filozofiju Univerziteta u Vroclavu

Gostujuće predavanje profesora Pavela Korobčaka sa Instituta za filozofiju Univerziteta u Vroclavu
Dr Pavel Korobčak, profesor Instituta za filozofiju Univerziteta u Vroclavu će u četvrtak, 19.5.2022. godine, u 12h, održati predavanje u Svečanoj sali Filozofskog fakulteta u Nikšiću pod naslovom Gift and sacrifice: question of the absolute duty in Kierkegaard.
Više detalja o rezimeu predavanja i biografiji profesora Korobčaka je dato u dodatku objave.

Gift and sacrifice: question of the absolute duty in Kierkegaard

(Paweł Korobczak, Uniwersity of Wrocław/Poland)

The lecture starts from the question of the difference between ('ordinary') duty and absolute duty in the thought of Søren Kierkegaard. Referring to the figure of Abraham, it then considers the question of sacrifice in its relation to the gift, trying to indicate the similarities and differences between their essences. Finally, referring to Jacques Derrida, it presents the issue of the essence of ethics and ethicality as a kind of undecidability. An undecidability which, however, does not exempt one from ethical obligation and from making decisions.

Paweł Korobczak (1975) studied philosophy at the University of Wrocław (Poland). There, in 1999, he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Humanities in Philosophy on the basis of the thesis titled The Anarchaic Thought. The Problem of Origin in the Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche and the Task of Grounding Metaphysics. Since 2005 he has been working at his alma mater as an assiociated professor in the Department of Ethics of the Institute of Philosophy. In 2018, he was awarded a postdoctoral degree on the basis of his monograph on Martin Heidegger's thought, entitled The Concealed Ethical Dimension in Martin Heidegger's Thought. He serves as Deputy Director for Teaching and Student Affairs since 2020.

He situates his interests in the area of questions about the sources of ethics. His research is conducted primarily in the field of phenomenology, with particular emphasis on issues related to the material ethics of value and the relationship between value and life-world. He complements this research with the area of contemporary French thought, mainly related to the tradition of post-structuralism. He is interested in the thought of such thinkers as (among others) Friedrich Nietzsche, Max Scheler, Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger, Jacques Derrida, Gilles Deleuze and Emmanuel Levinas.

His most important recent publications:

  1. Heidegger i filozofia współczesna Krzysztofa Michalskiego w świetle korespondencji z Janem Patočką [Heidegger and contemporary philosophy of Krzysztof Michalski in the light of his correspondence with Jan Patočka] [w:] „Archiwum Historii Filozofii i Myśli Społecznej” 65 (2020), pp. 369-389.
  2. Kryzys wartości - wartość kryzysu [The crisis of values - the value of the crisis], (red.) Wrocław 2020, 174 p.
  3. Różnica wartości albo o pożytku z trudności [The difference in values or the benefit of difficulty] [in:] W: Kryzys wartości - wartość kryzysu, P. Korobczak (red.), Wrocław 2020, pp. 11-20.
  4. Skryty wymiar etyczności w myśli Martina Heideggera [The Concealed Dimension in Martin Heidegger’s Thought], Wrocław 2018, 533 p.
  5. Wojna jako doświadczenie egzystencjalne. Jana Patočki herezja wolności [War as an Existential Experience. Jan Patočka's Heresy of Freedom] [in:] Rzecz piękna, mądra, dobra... 4, Pokój, S. Barć, P. Korobczak, A. Lorczyk (red.), Wrocław 2018, pp. 191-202.

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