After the student passes this exam, the student will be able to: - independently identifies types of security risks, - describe risk management and its role in the organization, - describe risk management techniques to identify and prioritize risk factors for information assets and how risk is assessed, - discuss the strategy options used to treat risk and be prepared to select from them when given background information, - explain and analyze the basic principles of cyber security risk management, - understand and discuss the importance of cyber sercurity risk management in organizations and intitutions, - understand and analyze the role of hardware and software in risk management process, - explain and analyze ways to detect and identify cyber security risks, - explain and analyze the significance and ways of cyber risk identification, cyber risk assesment and cyber risk mitigation, - understand the link between security risk management and individual, group and organizational performance, - develop strategic thinking about cybersecurity risk management, - analyze critical decisions and processes in cybersecurity risk management process, - improve managerial decision-making capabilities with regard to security risk management and human capital issues in a modern organizations and institutions, - instill ethical and sustainability consideration in management decisions, - understand process of monitoring, reporting and evaluating cyber incidents for future actions.
Ime | Predavanja | Vježbe | Laboratorija |
IVAN RADEVIĆ | 3x1 | 1x1 |