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2023/2024 |
Popović Olivera
Popović. O. (2024), “L’immagine del Montenegro nel libro di viaggio di Petar Kuničić Un mese a piedi”, Language, Translation and Literary Horizons in the 21st Century, September 27-28, 2024, Bar, Montenegro
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2023/2024 |
Kalezić-Radonjić Svetlana
“Craftsmanship as empowerment of intellectually disabled youth in YA novels”; The Child and the Book Conference - Making, Building, Mending: Creativity and Craftsmanship in Children’s Literature and Culture
2-4 May 2024, University of Rouen Normandy, Campus Pasteur
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2023/2024 |
Kalezić-Radonjić Svetlana
“ Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić kao teoretičarka omladinske književnosti”,
Međunarodni znanstveni skup “Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić u novom mileniju”, (Slavonski Brod, 18-20. april 2024)
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2023/2024 |
Kalezić-Radonjić Svetlana
”Writing (from) the Body – Celebrations of the Féminité”, 6th International Conference on Creative Writing, University of Western Macedonia, 5-8 September, Kozani, Greece
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2023/2024 |
Kalezić-Radonjić Svetlana
“Premodelovanje likova djece u crnogorskoj književnosti za djecu i mlade” ,OKNO NA POŁUDNIE, (University of Wroclaw, 16-17 May 2024)
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2023/2024 |
Čarapić Dragana Bulatović Vesna
Čarapić, Dragana, Bulatović, Vesna (2024) Lack of Gender Sensitivity in the Machine Translation Database: A case Study of Google Translate from English to Serbian. In 2024 Language Literature: Intersectionality 2024”, Niš, 27-28 april, 2024.
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2023/2024 |
Čarapić Dragana
Čarapić Dragana, (2024) Gender bias in marital status samples: the case of search portal Kontekst.io (Serbian and Croatian) Language, Translation and Literary Horizons in the 21st century September 27-28, 2024, Bar, Montenegro
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2023/2024 |
Bulatović Vesna Čarapić Dragana
Bulatović, Vesna, Čarapić Dragana (2024) Structural asymmetries and cognitive load in SI between English and Slavic languages, a pilot study. Translation and Literary Horizons in the 21st century September 27-28, 2024, Bar, Montenegro
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2023/2024 |
Jovović Nataša
Interdisciplinarne rodne studije u Crnoj Gori: istorijat i sadašnje stanje, Međunarodna naučna konferencija Jezik i društvene nauke u kontaktu: izazovi interdisciplinarnosti, Filozofksi Fakultet, Novi Sad, 5. oktobar. 2024.
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2023/2024 |
Osmanović Sabina
Osmanovic, Sabina, McCashin, Darragh, Imposter syndrome - a qualitative systematic review protocol, ReMO, 3rd conference on Researcher Mental Health Building a Network focused on Researcher Mental Health, CEU, Budapest, May 14-16, 2024.
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2023/2024 |
Osmanović Sabina
Gokalp G. et al., Policies and Best Practices on Researcher Well-being and Mental Health across Europe (Researcher Mental Health Overview in Montenegro) European Conference of Educational Research ECER 2024, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, August 27-30, 2024.
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2023/2024 |
Osmanović Sabina
Osmanovic, Sabina, Lakic, Igor, 'Political Discourse Strategies: An Analysis of Montenegro's 2023 Presidential Elections Campaign.' Language, Translation and Literary Horizons in the 21st century, Faculty of Philology, September 27-28, 2024
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2023/2024 |
Osmanović Sabina
‘Aspects of German Cultural Diplomacy in Montenegro’, EMIMI Conference “Intercultural dialogue – migration, integration, minority communities” within the Jean Monnet Module for Multidisciplinary studies on integration and migration through intercultural dialogue. Univerzitet Crne Gore, October 18, 2024.
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2023/2024 |
Vukčević Marko
“Dante u XXI vijeku: savremene interpretacije i recepcije”. Language, Translation and Literary Horizons in the 21st Century, University of Montenego, Faculty of Philology, 27-28 September 2024, Bar, Montenegro.
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2023/2024 |
Luburić Gordana
Luburić, Gordana, Leone, Vincenza. “La didattica digitale implementata nella Facoltà di Filologia”. Language, Translation and Literary Horizons in the 21st Century, University of Montenego, Faculty of Philology, 27-28 September 2024, Bar, Montenegro.
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2023/2024 |
Živković Branka
Živković, Branka. (2024) “Genre analysis across academic
genres: Linguistic studies from Montenegro”, 6th International Conference of the Faculty of Philology, University of Montenegro, “Language, Translation and Literary Horizons in the 21st Century” , 27-28 September 2024, Bar, Book of Abstracts, p. 28
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2023/2024 |
Nikčević Jasmina Popović Dušanka
“Challenges and positive aspects of the multilingual school context in Montenegro”, Teaching (Today for) Tomorrow: Bridging the Gap between the Classroom and Reality, 26. i 27. septembra 2024, Sveučilište u Zagrebu i Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Zagreb
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2023/2024 |
Popović Dušanka
“Crnogorska realistička pripovijetka između dva svjetska rata”, Druga međunarodna znanstvena konferencija „Jezik, prijevod i međukulturna komunikacija“, 17. do 19. listopada 2024, Filozofski
fakultet Sveučilišta Jurja Dobrile u Puli
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2023/2024 |
Kusovac Olivera
Mohar, Tjaša, Kusovac, Olivera, (2024) “The Body as Curious Monster: Embodiment and Absence in ‘Pale Horse, Pale Rider.”, 35th Annual American Literature Association Conference, Chicago, IL, 22-25 May, 2024.
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2023/2024 |
Lazarević Radmila
“Montalbano nella traduzione serba: il caso de La forma dell’acqua di Camilleri”. III Convegno Internazionale Italiano e lingue slave - Confronti linguistici, traduttivi e culturali 27-28-29 maggio 2024, Università di Ljubljana - Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia di Ljubljana
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2023/2024 |
Lazarević Radmila Piletić Deja
“Le sfide della traduzione di Grammatica della fantasia di Gianni Rodari”. Language, Translation and Literary Horizons in the 21st Century, September 27-28, 2024, Bar, Montenegro
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2022/2023 |
Špadijer Sonja
L'ambiguïté sémantique du pronom ON en français (le corpus Lodyans). Konferencija: Francontraste, 4e Colloque international, Filološki fakultet, Zagreb, 26–28. oktobar 2023.
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2023/2024 |
Burić Milena
Burić, M. “Lingvostilistički aspekti interkulturnog dijaloga u pjesmi Banović Strahinja”, Međunarodna naučna konferencija: Interkulturalni dijalog - migracije, integracije, manjinske zajednice, EMIMI - UCG - Erasmus+Program, Podgorica, 18.10.2024.
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2023/2024 |
Burić Milena
Burić, M. “Movirani feminini sa sufiksom -ka kategorije nomina agentis et professionis (u kontekstu upotrebe rodno senzitivnog jezika)”, 6th International Conference of the Faculty of Philology Language, Translation and Literary Horizons in the 21st Century, Bar, 27 - 28 September 2024.
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2023/2024 |
Burić Milena
Burić, M. “Uticaj tvorbene višeznačnosti sufiksa -ka na percepciju njim izvedenih socijalnih femininativa”, Savremena filološka istraživanja (međunarodna konferencija), Filološki fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Beograd, 2. i 3. mart 2024.
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2023/2024 |
Piletić Deja
Piletić, Deja (2024). “Tradurre la letteratura per l’infanzia: sull’esempio delle traduzioni di Pinocchio in Montenegro”. III Convegno Internazionale Italiano e lingue slave - Confronti linguistici, traduttivi e culturali 27-28-29 maggio 2024, Università di Ljubljana - Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia di Ljubljana
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2023/2024 |
Ivanović Ljubomir
Ivanović, Lj. (2024) ,,Linguistische Fehleranalyse von Übersetzungen juristischer Texte mithilfe von ChatGPT (aus dem Deutschen ins Montenegrinische).” Translation und Transkreation in der digitalen Welt. September 8-15 2024, Maribor, Slovenia
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2023/2024 |
Ivanović Ljubomir
Ivanović Lj. (2024) “Ideološki vokabular u programima političkih partija u Crnoj Gori”. 6th International Conference of the Faculty of Philology, University of Montenegro, “Language, Translation and Literary Horizons in the 21st Century”, September 27-28, 2024, Bar, Montenegro
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2023/2024 |
Ivanović Ljubomir
Ivanović, Lj. (2024) ,,Pragmatische Funktion der Zitate im politischen Diskurs”, 15. internationale Konferenz des Südosteuropäischen Germanistenverbandes (SOEGV) in Novi Sad, Facetten der Germanistik, 31.10-03.11.2024, Novi sad
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2023/2024 |
Delibašić Spomenka
Delibašić, Spomenka. (2024) “Le surréalisme et l'état d'esprit avant-gardiste”, 6th International Conference of the Faculty of Philology, University of Montenegro, “Language, Translation and Literary Horizons in the 21st Century” , 27-28 September 2024, Bar, Book of Abstracts, p. 38
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