Semester: 4
Status: Obavezan
Lessons: 3+4+0
Double: Da
ECTS catalogue
Learning outcomes:

Upon passing this exam,student will be able to : General : Mastering the content of a subject,student will acquire knowledge of aging and age as a formal physiological phenomenon, knowledge about pathological aging, as well as knowledge about prevention of sick aging applying primary,secondary and tertiary prevention for the elder. Learning about organizational models of geriatric and gerontological protection for elder in primary health care for the older, measures in centres for gerontology and measures of gerontological centre. 1. Estimate health status and health needs of older and seriously ill patients, as well as their families. 2. Identify the symptoms and make a decision about the level of intervention of patient and family. 3. Organize and coordinate the protection for such patients with the inclusion of the family members, organize protection for the patient in his daily surrounding. 4. Describe and interpret the factors which affect the process of aging and the changes in such process. 5. Describe and discuss about particular problems of old persons. 6. Identify models of protection for old people. 7. Learn methods of geriatric and gerontological health care and actively take part in team work.

Teaching staff

Name Lectures Exercises Laboratory