Successfully completed international scientific conference "Foreign languages of the profession: trends and perspectives"

Successfully completed international scientific conference "Foreign languages of the profession: trends and perspectives"

The international scientific conference with the topic "Foreign languages ​​of the profession: trends and perspectives" was held from September 17 to 18 in Budva. The conference was extremely successful and gathered over 100 researchers in the field of applied linguistics and foreign language teaching from numerous universities from Montenegro, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Greece, Poland, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Hungary, France, Algeria, Thailand, China and other countries.

The fact that this topic has managed to gather a large number of scientists and practitioners in a short period of time testifies to its relevance as well as the importance that foreign languages ​​have on growth, sustainability and competitiveness of the economy, employment opportunities and competitiveness in the labor market professional development, which is unequivocally indicated by several comprehensive studies and recommendations of the European Commission to member states. The organizers are especially pleased to point out that the importance of the gathering was recognized by professors from the University of Montenegro of non-linguistic provenance, experts in the field of electrical engineering, engineering, construction, who also participated in the work.

The gathering was also an opportunity to present a study conducted in Montenegro, which examined the needs and views of students from three universities, academic and non-academic staff, as well as employers in the labor market on foreign languages. In a special session, ten new textbooks of the English language of law, construction, natural sciences, mathematics, electrical engineering, philology, as well as English for visual arts, diplomacy and political science, tourism and catering were presented. Among other foreign languages, a new textbook of the Italian language for employees in tourism was presented. The authors of the textbook are professors from the University of Montenegro, the Unversitz Donja Gorica and the Mediteran University, and the reviewers were experts from partner universities from the European Union.

The international meeting was held within the Erasmus + program ReFLAME, funded by the European Commission, which aims to reform foreign language curricula at universities in Montenegro in order to better align with the needs of the labor market and international mobility of students and employees. The ReFLAME project is coordinated by the Faculty of Philology and implemented through cooperation with national partners (University of Donja Gorica and the Mediteran Universitz) as well as partner institutions from the European Union (University for Foreigners in Perugia, University of Warsaw and University of Zagreb).



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