Pregled projekta

Finansijski program : Jean Monnet
Naziv [ENG] : Multidisciplinary studies on integration and migration through intercultural dialogue
Naziv : Etudes multidisciplinaires sur les intégrations et les migrations à travers le dialogue interculturel
Početak : 01.01.2022.
Kraj : 31.12.2024.
Skraceni naziv : EMIMI
Web site :
Tip projekta : naučno-istraživacki
Tematska oblast : Humanističke nauke
Jedinica : Filološki fakultet
Budzet za jedinicu : 16800
Ukupan budzet : 24000
Rukovodilac :
Opis : The Faculty of Philology has not had the opportunity to implement projects from the Jean Monnet action. We believe that the proposed project would contribute to the dynamics of teaching and scientific activities and open new scientific and professional perspectives for students in UoM. Graduates students of philological disciplines often perform very important jobs in public administration and international institutions, so we believe that their knowledge in the field of European studies is necessary. In this way, students will have the opportunity to acquire knowledge and competencies from other disciplines, which will be stated in the certificates they will receive at the end of the module. All that will enable them to become active participants in EU integration. Through a multidisciplinary approach, the project deals with migration, but also other topics related to EU integration. The project will be implemented by a multidisciplinary team of experts, young researchers and experienced professors (in the field of social sciences and humanities). The introduction of topics related to European studies would enable the Faculty of Philology to realize certain goals from the Development Strategy, such as: development of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research, innovation of the research environment, connecting research with current social issues and environment and achieving a proactive role level. According to the UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report 2019, about 763 million people do not live in the place where they were born and migration is a global phenomenon that affects all aspects of modern society: social, economic, political, cultural. The humanities and social sciences can shed light on some important aspects of issues and phenomena that European studies normally deal with as well as contribute to their development.