Presentation and practice example of CBHE project “E-Learning Gamified and Networked Training for Start upper” E-le.G.A.N.T.S.

Univerzitet Crne Gore
Univerzitet Crne Gore
Univerzitet Crne Gore
Univerzitet Crne Gore

CBHE project “E-Learning Gamified and Networked Training for Start upper” E-le.G.A.N.T.S. was presented at the Faculty of Montenegrin Language and Literature in Cetinje on Erasmus+ information session that was organized on December 25, 2024, starting at 10:00 a.m.

The presentation of the E-le.G.A.N.T.S project and the project results was presented by Assoc. prof. Ph.D. Edin Jašarović form the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, University of Montenegro who is the project manager of the project team from Montenegro.  

Bearing in mind the importance and dedication of the Erasmus+ program for the participation of institutions of higher education in the program, this information session specifically targets the academic and administrative community of institutions of higher education and university units located in Cetinje, with the aim of encouraging their participation within the current Erasmus+ calls.

The information session will be an opportunity for the participants to learn about the results of Montenegros participation in the previous Erasmus+ call, to be informed about the new call for project proposals, and about all qualified actions in which our institutions can participate. The event will also be an opportunity for participants to hear practical guidelines on how to successfully submit project proposals, and examples of good practice from current approved Erasmus+ projects will be shared.

Attached is the agenda of the event.



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