Status: Obavezan
Fond: 2+2+0
Duplikat: Ne
ECTS katalog

Ishodi učenja:

After the student passes this exam, he/she will be able to: • understands the role and importance of management in profit and non-profit organizations, • distinguishes managerial skills and knowledge, roles and concepts, • distinguishes the contribution of different authors in the evolution of management as a scientific discipline, • recognizes different cultural determinants of management in a global environment, • identifies various aspects of the companies environment and the impact of the environment on managerial decision-making • explain the importance of specific managerial skills in relation to the management hierarchy, • identifies the importance of planning, organizing, leading and controlling functions in the management process, • creates the vision, mission and goals of the specific company, • explain, analyse and critically evaluate the importance of different management theories in the conditions of modern business, • distinguishes basic models of organizational structure, as well as common trends in the field of organizational solutions, • analyses and critically evaluates managerial practice in a certain company, while giving suggestions for improvement by introducing appropriate management methods and concepts, • analyses and critically evaluates the process of leadership and motivation in a certain company, • explain and analyse different control mechanisms within the management process, • defines the concepts of managerial ethics and social responsibility with an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of applying corporate social responsibility in the context of business results, • understands the importance of decision-making and change management in the context of organizational development, • explain and understand modern concepts and approaches in management • delegates tasks in the group and works effectively in the circumstances of teamwork as a member on one hand and as a leader on the other hand • uses modern methods to overcome obstacles in communication, as well as to resolve conflict situations • works under pressure and solves emerging problems in the fastest way

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Ime Predavanja Vježbe Laboratorija