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2023/2024 |
Latinović Nedeljko Latinović Jelena
1. Fedele, G., Armengol, J., Caffi, T., Languasco, L., Latinovic, N., Latinovic, J., León, M., Mugnai, L., Rossi, V. (2024): Diaporthe foeniculina and D. eres, in addition to D. ampelina, may cause Phomopsis cane and leaf spot disease on grapevine. Frontiers in Plant Science, section Plant Pathogen Interactions. 15:1446663
Link: doi: 10.3389/fpls.2024.1446663 |
2023/2024 |
Spalević Velibor
Spalevic, V., Barati, A. A., Goli, I., MovahhedMoghaddam, S., & Azadi, H. (2024). Do changes in land use and climate change overlap? An analysis of the World Bank Data. Land Degradation & Development, 1(16).
Link: https://doi.org/10.1002/ldr.5259 |
2023/2024 |
Spalević Velibor
Dudic, B., & Spalevic, V. (2024). B2B E-commerce in Europe. In I. Karabegovic, A. Kovacevic, & S. Mandzuka (Eds.), New technologies, development and application VII (Vol. 1070, pp. 370–375)
Link: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-66271-3_40 |
2023/2024 |
Spalević Velibor
Elboughdiri, N., Cosma, R., Amari, A., Spalevic, V., Dudic, B., & Skataric, G. (2024).Evaluating the feasibility of direct contact membrane distillation and nanofiltration in ground water treatment through a techno-economic analysis. Applied Water Science, 14(130), 1-22
Link: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13201-024-02185-4 |
2023/2024 |
Spalević Velibor
. Bashir, O., Bangroo, S. A., Shafai, S. S., Shah, T. I., Kader, S., Jaufer, L., Senesi, N., Kuriqi, A., Omidvar, N., Kumar, S. N., Arunachalam, A., Michael, R., Ksibi, M., Spalevic, V., Sestras, P., Markovic, S., Billi, P., Ercisli, S., & Hysa, A. (2024). Mathematical vs. machine learning models for particle size distribution in fragile soils of North-Western Himalayas. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 1-15.
Link: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11368-024-03820-y. |
2023/2024 |
Spalević Velibor
Bammou, Y., Benzougagh, B., Igmoullan, B., Kader, S., Ouallali, A., Spalevic, V., Sestras, P., & Kuriqi, A. (2024). Spatial mapping for multi-hazard land management in sparsely vegetated watersheds using machine learning algorithms. Environmental Earth Sciences, 83, 447–470
Link: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-024-11741-9 |
2023/2024 |
Spalević Velibor
Amari, A., Saber, A. I., Osman, H., Spalevic, V., & Dudic, B. (2024). Development of laboratory-cooked, water-resistant, and high-performance Cu-MOF: An economic analysis of Cu-MOF for PFOS pollution management and remediation. Applied Water Science, 14, 200
Link: https://link.springer.com/journal/13201/volumes-and-issues/12-8 |
2023/2024 |
Spalević Velibor
Ouallali, A., Kader, S., Bammou, Y., Aqnouy, M., Courba, S., Beroho, M., Briak, H., Spalevic, V., Kuriqi, A., & Hysa, A. (2024). Assessment of the erosion and outflow intensity in the Rif region under different land use and land cover scenarios. Land, 13, 1-20
Link: https://doi.org/10.3390/land13020141 |
2023/2024 |
Spalević Velibor
Osman, H., Foong, L. K., Le, B. N., Spalevic, V., Dudic, B., & Skataric, G. (2024). Maximizing thermal and electrical efficiency with thermoelectric generators and hybrid photovoltaic converters: Numerical, economic, and machine learning analysis.Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 59, 104452.
Link: DOI: 10.1016/j.csite.2024.104452 |
2023/2024 |
Spalević Velibor
Bammou, Y., Benzougagh, B., Igmoullan, B., Ouallali, A., Kader, S., Spalevic, V., Sestras, P., & Billi, P. (2024). Optimizing flood susceptibility assessment in semi-arid regions using ensemble algorithms: A case study of Moroccan High Atlas. Natural Hazards, 2024(1), 1-30
Link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11069-024-06550-z |
2023/2024 |
Spalević Velibor
Stefanos Stefanidis, Nikolaos Proutsos, Alexandra Solomou, Panagiotis Michopoulos, AthanassiosBourletsikas, Dimitris Tigkas, Velibor Spalevic, Shuraik Kader (2024). Spatiotemporal monitoring of post?fire soil erosion rates using earth observation (EO) data and cloud computing. Natural Hazards, 120(11), 1-22
Link: DOI: 10.1007/s11069-024-06907-4 |
2023/2024 |
Spalević Velibor
1. Bono, A., Alberti, G., Berretti, R., Curovic, M, Dukic, V., Motta, R. (2024). The largest European forest carbon stocks are in the Dinaric Alps old-growth forests: comparison of direct measurements and standardised approaches. Carbon Balance Manage 19, 15 (2024).
Link: https://doi.org/10.1186/s13021-024-00262-4 |
2022/2023 |
Čurović Milić Spalević Velibor
2. Cagliero, E., Paradis, L., Marchi, N., Lisztes-Szabó, Z., Braun, M., Hubay, K., Sabatier, P., Čurović, M., Spalevic, V., Motta, R., Lingua, E., & Finsinger, W. (2023). The role of fire disturbances, human activities and climate change for long-term forest dynamics in upper-montane forests of the central Dinaric Alps. Holocene, 33(7), 827-841
Link: https://doi.org/10.1177/09596836231163515 |
2023/2024 |
Zindović Jelena Čizmović Miroslav
Zindović, J., Čizmović, M. Vučurović, A., Margaria, P., Škorić, D. (2024): Increased diversity of Citrus tristeza virus in Europe, Plant Disease, vol. 108(5), 1344-1352.
Link: https://apsjournals.apsnet.org/doi/10.1094/PDIS-09-23-1718-RE |
2023/2024 |
Pajović-Šćepanović Radmila
Pajovic Scepanovic, R., Vuletic, D., Christofi, S., &
Kallithraka, S. (2024). Maceration duration and grape variety: key
factors in phenolic compound enrichment of Montenegrin red wine. OENO
One, 58(3)
Link: https://doi.org/10.20870/oeno-one.2024.58.3.8099 |
2023/2024 |
Čurović Milić
Motta R, Alberti G, Ascoli D, Berretti R, Bilic S, Bono A, Milic C, Vojislav D, Finsinger W, Garbarino M, Govedar Z, Keren S, Meloni F, Ruffinatto F and Nola P (2024) Old-growth forests in the Dinaric Alps of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro: a continental hot-spot for research and biodiversity. Front. For. Glob. Change. 7:1371144.
Link: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/forests-and-global-change/articles/10.3389/ffgc.2024.1371144/full |
2022/2023 |
Čurović Milić
Motta R, Garbarino M, Berretti R, Bono A, Curovic M, Dukić V and Nola P (2023) Monastic silviculture legacies and current old-growthness of silver fir (Abies alba) forests in the northern Apennines (Italy).
Link: doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2023.1252462 |