Supporting the bottom-up road transport decarbonization for local level decision makers: a White paper
AaCTA – Alpe-Adria Clean Transport Alliance
Project objective
The project aim is to empower the local and regional government bodies and civil society with better understanding of the role of clean transport within energy transition and provide tools for decarbonization of transport.
Electrification of transport, apart from handling the local problems of pollution in urban areas, also has a significant role in energy transition towards zero-carbon energy systems based on renewable energy sources. This is recognized in strategic documents, such as NECPs, national strategies of Low-carbon development and development of energy system. However, concrete measures need to be put in place on the local level to facilitate the achievements of national and EU targets from Clean Energy Package.
Alpe-Adria clean transport alliance will gather the network of decision makers and relevant actors that can take action for local decarbonization of transport. A tailormade toolbox will be created, based on the four white papers (which map the current condition and capacities of local governments in the countries of the project implementation) and created according to the feedback collected from the over 120 relevant stakeholders in all the participating countries through 12 events. The toolbox will be used to achieve similar standard in all countries of the project’s implementation. Participants will receive training about the toolbox, the choice awareness theory in choosing and elaboration of measures for the electrification of transport and maximization of synergies with other sectors (e.g. power generation system and making use of locally available renewable energy sources) to achieve decarbonization in their community. In such way, the road decarbonization actions are set to become the new standard on local level throughout the Alpe-Adria region and the east coast of the Adriatic.
Lead partner: SDEWES Centre – International centre for sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems
Partners in the project:
- Regional Development Centre Koper;
- Energie Agentur Steiermark gGmbH;
- University of Montenegro, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering;
The duration of the project is 16 months. Project started with implementation on 1st of November 2020 in is ongoing until 28th of February 2022.
The project benefits from funding from European Climate Initiative (EUKI). EUKI is a project financing instrument by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU). It is the overarching goal of the EUKI to foster climate cooperation within the European Union (EU) in order to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. Total budget of the project is 376,826.00 €.