Prirodno-matematički fakultet

Biografija - Urošević Uglješa

Biografija - Urošević Uglješa
  • Trenutno je u akademskom zvanju docenta na Univerzitetu Crne Gore;
  • Doktor nauka elektrotehnike;
  • Član je Centra mladih naučnika i umjetnika CANU - Crnogorska akademija nauka i umjetnosti;
  • Poslanik 28. saziva Skupštine Crne Gore;
  • Predsjednik skupštinske Komisije za praćenje i kontrolu postupka privatizacije;
  • Član skupštinskog Odbora za prosvjetu, nauku, kulturu i sport;
  • Član je Konsultativne grupe za izradu Strateškog plana razvoja Opštine Nikšić 2022-2027.


Uglješa D. Urošević rođen je u Nikšiću gdje je završio osnovnu školu i gimnaziju (prirodno-matematički smjer). Tokom školovanja učestvovao je i osvajao nagrade na brojnim takmičenjima iz matematike. Dobitnik je diplome Luča u osnovnoj i srednjoj školi.

Po završetku gimnazije, upisao je Elektrotehnički fakultet na Univerzitetu Crne Gore na kojem je, na smjeru Elektronika, telekomunikacije i računari, stekao diplomu BACHELOR (BSc) juna 2008. godine (prosječna ocjena 9.95), nakon čega je na istom fakultetu, upisao specijalističke studije na smjeru Elektronika, telekomunikacije i računari, na kojem je jula 2009. godine odbranio specijalistički rad: “Multi-carrier CDMA sistemi”, i na taj način stekao diplomu SPECIJALISTE (Spec. Sci) Elektronike, telekomunikacija i računara (prosječna ocjena A). Maja 2011. godine je odbranio magistarski rad: “MIMO tehnike u mobilnim radio sistemima narednih generacija”, i na taj način stekao diplomu MAGISTRA (MSc) nauka elektrotehnike (prosječna ocjena 10).  Doktorsku disertaciju: “Rješenja za poboljšanje performansi kooperativnih relejnih sistema sa distribuiranim MIMO tehnikama” je odbranio u martu 2018. god. i na taj način stekao diplomu DOKTORA NAUKA (PhD) elektrotehnike (prosječna ocjena 10).

Tokom studija je bio:

  • najbolji student u studijskoj 2007/2008 godini na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu.
  • dobitnik Plakete Univerziteta Crne Gore za najboljeg diplomiranog studenta u oblasti tehničkih, prirodno-matematičkih i medicinskih nauka, 2009. god.
  • dobitnik nagrade opštine Podgorica za izuzetan uspjeh u studiranju ("Decembarska nagrada"), 
  • dobitnik nagrade opštine Nikšić za izuzetan uspjeh u studiranju ("Septembarska nagrada").

Od decembra 2009. god. radi na Univerzitetu Crne Gore.

Tokom doktorskih studija bio je na dužim mobilnostima na sledećim naučno-istraživačkim ustanovama:

  • EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Lozana, Švajcarska),
  • FER (Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Sveučilište u Zagrebu),
  • Aalborg University-Center for TeleInFrastructure (Alborg, Danska).

Publikovao je preko 50 naučnih radova u međunarodnim časopisima i konferencijama.

Bio je dio tima za izradu 15 međunarodnih, naučnih i tehničkih projekata.

Recenzent je u brojnim međunarodnim naučnim časopisima, uključujući i najprestižnije časopise iz oblasti telekomunikacija, obrade signala, elektronike i računarskih nauka, kao što su IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Latin America Transactions, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, Wireless Personal Communications, Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, IEEE Access, itd.

Predaje na sledećim predmetima na Elektrotehničkom, Prirodno-matematičkom i Pomorskom fakultetu:

  • Modelovanje i simulacija u telekomunikacijama, Elektrotehnički fakultet - master studije;
  • M2M komunikacioni sistemi, Elektrotehnički fakultet - master studije;
  • Satelitske komunikacije i navigacija, Elektrotehnički fakultet - master studije;
  • Internet tehnologije i elektronsko poslovanje, Pomorski fakultet – osnovne studije, studijski program Pomorska elektrotehnika;
  • Računarske mreže, Prirodno-matematički fakultet – osnovne studije, studijski programi Računarske nauke i Matematika i računarske nauke;
  • Mobilne i bežične komunikacije, Prirodno-matematički fakultet – osnovne studije, studijski program Računarstvo i informacione tehnologije;
  • Bezbjednost računarskih sistema, Prirodno-matematički fakultet – osnovne studije, studijski programi Računarske nauke, Matematika i računarske nauke i Računarstvo i informacione tehnologije;
  • Računarske mreže i komunikacije, Prirodno-matematički fakultet – osnovne studije, studijski program Računarstvo i informacione tehnologije;
  • Distribuirani računarski sistemi, Prirodno-matematički fakultet – osnovne studije, studijski programi Računarske nauke i Računarstvo i informacione tehnologije;


Međunarodni časopisi sa SCI liste

  1. U. Urosevic, "A new approach for D2D assisted multicast and unicast communications", Wireless Personal Communications, ISSN: 0929-6212 (Print Version), ISSN: 1572-834X (Electronic Version), Vol. 134, Issue 2, pp. 997–1012, Springer, March 2024.
  2. U. Urosevic, "Low-complexity dual-hop D2D design", IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Print ISSN: 0098-3063, Electronic ISSN: 1558-4127, Vol. 69, Issue 3, pp. 548 – 555, IEEE, August 2023.
  3. U. Urosevic, "A multiplex-multicast approach for VR applications", IEEE Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol. 45, Issue 3, pp. 349 - 353, eISSN: 2694-1783, IEEE, September 2022.
  4. U. Urosevic, "New solutions for increasing energy efficiency in massive IoT", Signal, Image and Video Processing, Vol. 16, Issue 7, pp. 1861 – 1868, Electronic ISSN: 1863-1711, Springer, October 2022.
  5. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, "New Solutions for Distributed Realization of 8x1 MISO channel with QOSTBC", Wireless Personal Communications, ISSN: 0929-6212 (Print Version), ISSN: 1572-834X (Electronic Version), Vol. 97, Issue 2, pp. 1799-1812, Springer, November 2017.
  6. Z. Veljovic, U. Urosevic, "New Solutions for Cooperative Relaying Implementation of OSTBC with 3/4 Code Rate", Wireless Personal Communications, ISSN: 0929-6212 (Print Version), ISSN: 1572-834X (Electronic Version), Vol. 92, Issue 1, pp. 51-61, Springer, January, 2017.
  7. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, "Improving BER performance of virtual QOSTBC", Wireless Networks, ISSN: 1022-0038 (Print Version), ISSN: 1572-8196 (Electronic Version), Vol. 22, Issue 8, pp. 2649–2657, Springer, November 2016.
  8. Z. Veljovic, U. Urosevic, "Increasing Code Rate of the Cooperative Relaying with Virtual OSTBC", Wireless Personal Communications, ISSN: 0929-6212 (Print Version), ISSN: 1572-834X (Electronic Version), Vol. 83, Issue 1, pp. 399-410, Springer, July, 2015.
  9. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, M. Pejanovic-Djurisic, "A New Solution for Simple Cooperative Relaying", Wireless Personal Communications, ISSN: 0929-6212 (Print Version), ISSN: 1572-834X (Electronic Version), Vol. 75, Issue 2, pp. 1235-1250, Springer, March 2014.
  10. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, M. Pejanovic-Djurisic, "MIMO Solution for Performance Improvements of OFDM-CDMA System with Pilot Tone", Wireless Networks, ISSN: 1022-0038 (Print Version), ISSN: 1572-8196 (Electronic Version), Vol. 19, Issue 8, pp. 2021-2028, Springer, November 2013.

Međunarodni časopisi van SCI liste 

  1. Urosevic, J. Bozovic, "Propagacija milimetarskih talasa na osnovu NYUSIM modela kanala uzimajući u obzir kišu u tropskim oblastima", Tehnika, broj 73/2 , str. 189-198, ISSN: 0040-2176, Belgrade, 2024.
  2. U. Urosevic, M. Cubrovic, "Security in Cyber-Physical and IoT Systems", Tehnika, broj 72, str. 45-51, ISSN: 0040-2176, Belgrade, 2023.
  3. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, "A concept of future sixth generation wireless networks - 6G", Tehnika, No 3, ppt. 335-341, ISSN: 0040-2176, Belgrade, 2021.
  4. V. Kovacevic, U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, "Channel Estimation Techniques for MIMO-OFDM Systems", Tehnika, No 1, pp. 112-117, Belgrade, 2015, (ISSN 0040-2176).
  5. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, "Performance Improvements of OFDM-CDMA System", ETF Journal of electrical engineering (YU ISSN 0353-5207), Podgorica, 2014.
  6. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, D. Simunic, "A New Approach for Increasing Energy Efficiency of OFDM-CDMA System with Pilot Tone", Journal of Green Engineering, Vol. 3, 181-192, River Publishers, 2013.
  7. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, I. Radusinovic, "A New Approach for Improving Performance of MIMO OFDM-CDMA System with Pilot Tone", Tehnika, No 2, pp. 266-271, Belgrade, 2013, (ISSN 0040-2176).
  8. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, "MIMO Model for Improving Spectrum Efficiency of OFDM-CDMA System with Pilot Tone", ETF Journal of electrical engineering (YU ISSN 0353-5207), Podgorica, 2011.
  9. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, "BER Performance of MIMO OFDM-CDMA System in Ricean Frequency Selective Fading Channel", Tehnika, No 5, pp. 785-791, Belgrade, 2011, (ISSN 0040-2176).

Međunarodne konferencije

  1. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic "A downlink scheme for multimedia applications", Proceedings of 30th TELFOR Conference, pp. 1-4, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2022.
  2. Dragana Bulatovic, U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, E. Kocan, "Information capacity analyses in NOMA system", Proceedings of 29th TELFOR Conference, pp. 1-4, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2021.
  3. Naida Catovic, U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, E. Kocan, "Performances of downlink NOMA system with power domain multiplexing", Proceedings of 29th TELFOR Conference, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2021.
  4. U. Urosevic, "Fifth Generation of Wireless Networks and Smart Concept", Proceedings of 26th YU INFO 2020 Conference, Kopaonik, Serbia, February 2020.
  5. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, " P2P Communication in Case of Network Infrastructure Failure in Real Conditions", Proceedings of 25th YU INFO 2019 Conference, Kopaonik, Serbia, February 2019.
  6. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, "BER performances of virtual QOSTBC in P2P communications under imperfect channel estimation", Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC 2018), Chiang Rai, Thailand, November 2018.
  7. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, "Impact of Imperfect Channel Estimation on UAVs Cellular Coverage Performanses", Proceedings of 24th YU INFO 2018 Conference, Kopaonik, Serbia, February 2018.
  8. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, "Improving cellular coverage through UAVs", Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC 2017), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, December 2017.
  9. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, "Improving Cellular Coverage by Using UAVs", Proceedings of of IEEE 25th TELFOR Conference, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2017.
  10. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, "Impact of Imperfect Channel Estimation on Virtual QOSTBC Systems Performanses in D2D Communications", Proceedings of 23rd YU INFO 2017 Conference, Kopaonik, Serbia, March 2017.
  11. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, "Solutions for D2D Improvements in 5G Networks", 22nd Conference on Information Technologies IT 2017, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 2017.
  12. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, "Distributed MIMO solutions for Peer-to-Peer Communications in Future Wireless Systems", Proceedings of of IEEE 24th TELFOR Conference, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2016.
  13. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, "Impact of Imperfect Channel Estimation on Virtual QOSTBC Systems Performanses", Proceedings of 22nd YU INFO 2016 Conference, Kopaonik, Serbia, February 2016.
  14. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, M. Pejanovic-Djurisic, "New virtual 8x1 MISO scheme with QOSTBC", Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC 2015), Hyderabad, India, December 2015.
  15. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, "Distributed MIMO Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks with Relays", Proceedings of of IEEE 23rd TELFOR Conference, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2015.
  16. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, "New schemes for increasing code rate of the OFDM based virtual OSTBC", Proceedings of IEEE Eurocon 2015 Conference, Salamanca, Spain, September 2015.
  17. Z. Veljovic, U. Urosevic, "Performance Improvements of Virtual QOSTBC systems", Proceedings of of IEEE 22nd TELFOR Conference, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2014.
  18. Z. Veljovic, U. Urosevic, M. Pejanovic-Djurisic, "Improving BER Performance of Virtual QOSTBC", Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC 2014), Sydney, Australia, September 2014.
  19. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, M. Pejanovic-Djurisic, "New Simple Cooperative Relaying Schemes", Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC 2014), Sydney, Australia, September 2014.
  20. Z. Veljovic, U. Urosevic, "Performance Improvement of OFDM based virtual QOSTBC", Proceedings of Global Wireless Summit - Wireless Vitae 2014 Conference, Aalborg, Denmark, May 2014.
  21. S. Divanovic, U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, "Power Allocation Schemes in MIMO and OFDM System", Proceedings of of IEEE 21th TELFOR Conference, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2013.
  22. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, M. Pejanovic-Djurisic, "Performance improvments of OFDM based simple cooperative relaying with virtual OSTBC", Proceedings of IEEE Africon 2013 Conference, Pointe Aux Piments, Mauritius, September 2013.
  23. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, M. Pejanovic-Djurisic, D. Simunic, "A New Approach for Simple Cooperative Relaying", Proceedings of IEEE Eurocon 2013 Conference, Zagreb, Croatia, July 2013.
  24. Z. Veljovic, U. Urosevic, D. Simunic, "A MIMO Approach for Performance Improvements of OFDM-CDMA System with Pilot Tone", Proceedings of IEEE Eurocon 2013 Conference, Zagreb, Croatia, July 2013.
  25. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, M. Pejanovic-Djurisic, "A Solution for Improving Performance of OFDM Based Simple Cooperative Relaying", Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC 2013), Atlantic City, USA, June 2013.
  26. Z. Veljovic, U. Urosevic, M. Pejanovic-Djurisic, "A MIMO Approach for Increasing Spectrum Efficiency of OFDM-CDMA System with Pilot Tone", Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC 2013), Atlantic City, USA, June 2013.
  27. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, Ana Jovanovic, "A Solution for Improving BER Performance of OFDM based Simple Cooperative Relaying", Proceedings of IEICE Information and Communication Technology Forum (ICTF), Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, May 2013.
  28. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, D. Simunic, I. Radusinovic, "A Solution for Performance Improvements of OFDM-CDMA System with Pilot Tone", Proceedings of IEEE 20th TELFOR Conference, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2012.
  29. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, M. Pejanovic-Djurisic, "A Solution for Increasing Spectrum Efficiency of OFDM-CDMA System with Pilot Tone", Proceedings of IEEE WiCOM 2012 Conference, Shanghai, China, September 2012.
  30. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, M. Pejanovic-Djurisic, "A Solution for BER Performance and Energy Efficiency Improvements of OFDM-CDMA System with Pilot Tone", Proceedings of IEEE MIPRO 2012, Opatija, Croatia, May 2012.
  31. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, M. Pejanovic-Djurisic, "MISO Model for Improving Performance of OFDM-CDMA System with Pilot Tone", Proceedings of IEEE WTS 2012, London, UK, April 2012.
  32. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, "MISO Model for Improving BER Performance of OFDM-CDMA System with Pilot Tone for Multimedia Communications", Proceedings of IEEE MELECON 2012 Conference, Yasmine Hammamet, Tunis, March 2012.
  33. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, I. Radusinovic, "MISO Model for Improving BER Performance of OFDM-CDMA System with Pilot Tone", 19th TELFOR Conference, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2011.
  34. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, M. Pejanovic-Djurisic, "MIMO OFDM-CDMA System with Pilot Tone and Space-Time Block Coding", Proceedings of 14th IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC 2011), Brest, France, October 2011.
  35. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, E. Kocan, "BER Performace of MIMO OFDM-CDMA  System in Ricean Fading Channel", Proceedings of IEEE Eurocon 2011 Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, April 2011.
  36. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, E. Kocan, "BER Performance of MIMO-OFDM System in Ricean Fading Channel", 18th TELFOR Conference, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2010.

 Regionalne konferencije

  1. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, "SU-MIMO Techniques in LTE", 16th Conference on Information Technologies IT 2011, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 2011.
  2. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, I. Radusinovic, "Increasing Spectrum Efficiency of OFDM-CDMA System with Pilot Tone and Optimum TDC Combining", 55th ETRAN Conference, Banja Vrucica, Bosnia and Herzegovina June 2011.
  3. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, D. Simunic, "A new Approach for Energy Efficiency Increasing of OFDM-CDMA System with Pilot Tone", International Workshop on Emerging Communication Technologies WECT 2012, Budva, Montenegro, October 2012.
  4. U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, "Improving Energy Efficiency of OFDM-CDMA System", 19th Conference on Information Technologies IT 2014, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 2014.
  5. B. Krivokapic, U. Urosevic, Z. Veljovic, M. Pejanovic-Djurisic, "Opportunistic Spectrum Access in Cognitive Radio Networks", 20th Conference on Information Technologies IT 2015, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 2015.
  6. L. Božović, U. Urošević, "Nadgledano mašinsko učenje na primjeru klasifikacije postova sa društvene mreže Twitter", Šesti dani elektroinženjera, Zbornik radova Inženjerske komore Crne Gore, ISSN 2704-520X, Oktobar 2022.


  1. Z. Veljovic, I. Radusinovic, E. Kocan, M. Ilic, U. Urosevic, et al., "Performance analysis of OFDM relay and OFDM cooperative diversity systems", research project funded by Montenegrin Ministry of Education and Science, 2009.-2011
  2. Z. Veljovic, D.Simunic, M. Pejanovic-Djurisic, K.Malaric, I. Radusinovic, D.Zrno, E. Kocan, U.Urosevic, I.Bacic, "Performance analysis of OFDM based relay sistem", in the framework of the Montenegro-Croatia bilateral cooperation program, 2011.-2012.
  3. M. Pejanovic-Djurisic, C. Mecklenbräuker, E. Kocan, Z. Veljovic, U. Urosevic et al, "Comparative analyses of OFDM cooperative diversity and wideband MIMO systems in future wireless communication networks", in the framework of the Montenegro-Austria bilateral cooperation program, 2011.-2013.
  4. M. Pejanovic-Djurisic, T. Javornik, E. Kocan, Z. Veljovic, U. Urosevic, et al., "Advanced technologies for mobile broadband communications systems of the next generation", in the framework of the Montenegro-Slovenia bilateral cooperation program, 2011.-2013.
  5. Fostering Development of an ICT Centre of Excellence in Montenegro in cooperation with EPFL (Ecole polytechnique federale de Lausanne), within SCOPES (Scientific co-operation between Eastern Europe and Switzerland) funding scheme, 2011.-2014.
  6. Fostering innovation based research for e-Montenegro - FORE-MONT, EU FP7 funded project through REGPOT scheme, project team member, 2013.-2016.
  7. Z. Veljovic, U. Urosevic, M. Pejanovic-Djurisic, A. Jovanovic, I. Radusinovic, et al., "Improving the concept of MIMO communications in cellular networks of the next generations", research project funded by Montenegrin Ministry of Science, 2012.-2015.
  8. Centre of Excellence in Bioinformatics - BIO-ICT, funded by Montenegrin Ministry of Science, 2014-2017.

Tehnički projekti

  1. Z. Veljovic, E. Kocan, M. Ilic-Delibasic, U. Urosevic, "Technical basis for montenegrin standards (MEST) needed in the process of digitizing related to broadcasting the signals of the second generation digital terrestrial television", Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Podgorica, march 2013.
  2. Z. Veljovic, E. Kocan, M. Ilic-Delibasic, U. Urosevic, "Technical specification of the minimum requirements that the equipment for the reception of the second generation digital terrestrial television (DVB-T2) signals meet and testing compatibility of the equipment", Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Podgorica, march 2013.
  3. Z. Veljovic, E. Kocan, M. Ilic-Delibasic, U. Urosevic, "Study on the possibilities of using the digital dividend", Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Podgorica, march 2013.
  4. Z. Veljovic, E.Kocan, U. Urosevic, "Study on the allocation of radio frequencies from 790-862MHz band", Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Podgorica, february 2015.
  5. Z. Mirotic, U. Urosevic, et al., "Preliminary design of sensor network for covering the urban areas of the Capital City of Podgorica for the purpose of control and monitoring of radio frequency spectrum in the range up to 6 GHz", 2016.
  6. Z. Veljovic, M. Pejanovic-Djurisic, E. Kocan, U. Urosevic, "Study on the possibilities of using radio frequencies from the bands 694-790MHz, 1452-1492MHz, 2300-2400MHz, 3400-3600MHz and 3600-3800MHz for IMT systems ", Podgorica, August 2017.
  7. M. Pejanovic-Djurisic, Z. Veljovic, E. Kocan, U. Urosevic, Sławomir Kukliński, "Study on the strategy of implementation of 5G mobile communication networks in Montenegro", Podgorica, March 2021.


  1. Visiting EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland) summer 2012, 2013, and 2014 in the frame of SCOPES (Scientific co-operation between Eastern Europe and Switzerland) program for Fostering development of an ICT centre of excellence in Montenegro, 2011-2014.
  2. Visiting FER (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia) from 1st September 2013 to 31st January 2014, Based on PhD Mediterranean Office for Youth - MoY grant.
  3. Visiting Aalborg University-Center for TeleInFrastructure, Aalborg, Denmark, Spring 2016, Summer 2013 in the frame of FP7 Foremont project (Fostering innovation based research for e-Montenegro), 2013-2016.


  • Certificate of the Hellenic Institute of Metrology for participating in the training program on "Time and Frequency Measurements", organized in the facilities of EIM on the 2nd and 3rd of June 2011 in the framework of project "Facilitating National Metrology Infrastructure Development", Industrial Area of Thessaloniki.
  • Certificate of the EC FP7 SmartSantander and FP& HOBNET projects for a successful completion of the senZations11 summer school held in Kotor, Montenegro, from 29th  August to 2nd September 2011.

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