dr Neđeljko Lekić
redovni profesor | Elektrotehnički fakultet Neđeljko Lekić je rodjen u Titogradu, danas Podgorica. Osnovnu školu je pohađao i završio u Virpazaru sa odličnim uspjehom. Gimnaziju “Slobodan Škerović” u Podgorici završio je takođe sa odličnim uspjehom. Elektrotehnički fakultet Univerziteta Crne Gore u Podgorici je završio sa prosječnom ocjenom 9.20. Diplomski rad pod nazivom "Mikrokontrolerski optički čitač identifikacionih kartica" (mentor Prof. Zoran Mijanović) odbranio je sa ocjenom 10. Po završetku studija, dvije godine je radio kao inženjer...
Izabrane publikacije
Godina | Kategorija | Autori | Naslov | Izvor |
2024 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Stanković, Dj., Draganić, A., Lekić, N., Ioana, C. & Orović , I. | An Analog-Digital Hardware for Parzen-Based Nonparametric Probability Density Estimation | IEEE Access |
2019 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Orović, I., Lekić, N., Beko, M. & Stanković, S. | An analog hardware solution for compressive sensing reconstruction using gradient-based method | EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing |
2018 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Lekić, N., Mijanović, Z, Dragović-Ivanović, R. & Stanković, Lj. | Binary Weighted DAC with 2-ξ Resistor Ratio | Radioengineering |
2018 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Lekić, N., Lakičević Žarić, M., Orović, I. & Stanković, S. | Adaptive gradient-based analog hardware architecture for 2D under-sampled signals reconstruction | Microprocessors and Microsystems |
2016 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Orović, I., Lekić, N. & Stanković, S. | An Analog–Digital Hardware for L-Estimate Space-Varying Image Filtering | Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing |
2016 | SCOPUS | Tomovic, S., Lekic, N., Gardasevic, G. & Radusinovic I. | A new approach to dynamic routing in SDN networks | 18th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON) |
2014 | SCOPUS | Lekić, N., Stojanović, R., Gadzović, A. & Mijanović, Z. | Wind speed measurement and alert system for tunnel fire safety | Proc. of 24th International Conference Radioelektronika |
2014 | SCOPUS | Filipovic, N., Stojanovic, R., Lekic, N. & Caplanova, A. | Monitoring and analysis of vital physiological parameters using PDA devices | Proc. of 24th International Conference Radioelektronika |
2013 | SCOPUS | Stojanovic, R., Lekic, N., Mijanovic, Z. & Kovacevic, J. | FPGA based capacitive touch pad/interface | Proc. of 33rd International Scientific Conference Electronics and Nanotechnology, ELNANO |
2012 | SCOPUS | Lekic, N., Mijanovic, Z. & Stojanovic, R. | The simple microcontroller based capacitive sensor with screen | Proc. of the Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference - MELECON |
2011 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Zaric, N., Lekic, N. & Stankovic, S. | An Implementation of the L-estimate Distributions for Analysis of Signals in Heavy-Tailed Noise | IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II |
2011 | SCOPUS | Lekić, N., Mijanović, Z. & Stojanović, R. | The identification system for monitoring of teaching activities | Proc. of International Conference on Computer as a Tool, EUROCON |
2006 | SCOPUS | Stojanović, R., Tafa, Ž. & Lekić, N. | An approach to monitoring of physiological signals using Bluetooth | International Conference on Applied Electronics |
2006 | SCOPUS | Lekic, N., Mijanovic, Z., Stojanovic, R. & Filipovic, D. | A multifunctional microcontroller device which can be connected to RS232 hub | International Conference on Applied Electronics |