dr Milovan Radulović
redovni profesor | Elektrotehnički fakultet Milovan Radulović je rođen 18.06.1962. godine u Nikšiću, Republika Crna Gora. Osnovnu i srednju školu je završio u Nikšiću sa odličnim uspjehom. Za postignute rezultate u učenju nagrađen je diplomom LUČA. Školske 1981/82. godine upisao je studije Elektrotehnike- smjer elektronika, na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu u Podgorici. Na istom fakultetu je diplomirao 28. marta 1986. godine, odbranivši diplomski rad “MAPPY- samodovoljni mobilni robot”. Postdiplomske studije upisao je školske 1992/93 godine na...
Izabrane publikacije
Godina | Kategorija | Autori | Naslov | Izvor |
2025 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Micev, M., Ćalasan, M., Radulović, M. & Vujičić, V. | A Novel Approach for Estimation of Synchronous Machine Automatic Voltage Regulation System Parameters | IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications |
2023 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Micev, M., Ćalasan, M., Radulović, M., Abdel Aleem, S.H.E., Hasanien, H.M. & Zobaa, A.F. | Artificial Neural Network-Based Nonlinear Black-Box Modeling of Synchronous Generators | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics |
2023 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Micev, M., Ćalasan, M., Stipanović, D. & Radulović, M. | Modeling the relation between the AVR setpoint and the terminal voltage of the generator using artificial neural networks | Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence |
2023 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Micev, M., Ćalasan, M. & Radulović, M. | Optimal tuning of the novel voltage regulation controller considering the real model of the automatic voltage regulation system | Heliyon |
2021 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Ćalasan, M., Micev, M., Radulović, M., Zobaa, A.F., Hasanien, H.M. & Abdel Aleem, S.H.E | Optimal PID Controllers for AVR System Considering Excitation Voltage Limitations Using Hybrid Equilibrium Optimizer | Machines |
2021 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Micev, M., Ćalasan, M. & Radulović, M. | Full Synchronous Machine Parameters Identification Based on Field and Armature Current During the Short-Circuit | IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, |
2020 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Radulović, M., Zečević, Ž. & Krstajić, B. | Dynamic Phasor Estimation by Symmetric Taylor Weighted Least Square Filter | IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery |
2020 | SCOPUS | Radonjić, M., Kvascev, G., Radulović, M. & Krstajic, B. | One Example of Mobile Hardware Platform for Sound Acquisition in Industrial Environment | Proc. 24th Conference on Information Technologies IT 20, |
2019 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Ćalasan, M., Mujičić, D., Rubežić, V. & Radulović, M. | Estimation of Equivalent Circuit Parameters of Single-Phase Transformer by Using Chaotic Optimization Approach | Energies |
2018 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Radulović, M., Šekara, T.B. & Lutovac, B. | Decomposition of a class of linear electrical networks for calculation of total power | Sādhanā – Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences |
2015 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Zecevic, Z., Krstajic, B. & Radulovic, M. | A new adaptive algorithm for improving the ANC system performance | AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications |
2015 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Zecevic, Z., Krstajic, B. & Radulovic, M. | Frequency-domain adaptive algorithm for improving the active noise control performance | IET Signal Processing |